Chapter - 1

251. BASAL (Onions)  2:61 ÈóÕóáñ ( È Õ á )

252.ADNAA (Worse)  2:61ÇóÏúäóÇ ( Ï ä æ )

         Other derivatives: Near 55:54, nearly 73:20, come near 53:8, draw close 33:59, low 7:169.  Lowest (spot on land below the sea level) 30:3, less opposite of more 58:7.  Other words conveying opposite meanings are good 2:61, great 32:21, further or far 8:42 etc.

         This world in which we presently live is known as ‘Duniya’ 2:85, the sky of which contains planets 37:6 and stars in which hydrogen burns to form helium giving out light and heat like lamps in which oil burns to give light and heat 41:12, 67:5.  Hereafter (Aakhirat) is used in the opposite sense i.e. life in this world is contrasted with life after death and resurrection 2:86.

         The life of this world is made fair-seeming for the infidels 2:212 who are punished both here and in the hereafter 3:56.  Those who want the reward in this world, there is no portion for them in the hereafter 2:200, 17:18.  The provision of the life of this world compared to the hereafter is little 9:38.  Those who believe, guard against evil 10:64, do good 16:30, migrate in the cause of Allah (SWT) 16:41 etc. for them is good news in the life of this world and in the hereafter.

253. MISR (City or Egypt)  2:61ãöÕúÑÇð ( ã Õ Ñ )

254. SA-ALTUM (You ask for) 2:61ÓóÇóáúÊõãú ( Ó Ç á )

         Other derivatives: Questioning or asking 70:1, inquiring 12:7, 70:10, seeking 41:10, demanding 38:24, begging 2:273, 51:19 etc.

255. Az ZILLATU (Disgrace) 2:61ÇóáÐøöáóÉõ ( Ð á á )

         Other derivatives: Being humble 20:134, humility 17:24, being subdued 36:72, 67:15, weakness 3:123, 17:111 being low 76:14 etc.  They are associated with mercy when used in a good sense 17:24 and wretchedness and anger of Allah (SWT) when used in a bad sense 2:61.  The opposite sense is given by the word mighty 5:54.

256. BAAA-U ( Deserves )   2:61ÈóÂÁõ ( È æ Ç )

257. ASAW ( They Disobeyed )  2:61ÚóÕóæúÇ ( Ú Õ ì )

         Disobedience is associated with denial 11:59, 79:21, exceeding limits 3:112, transgression 49:7, corruption 10:91, error 33:36, sin 58:8, infidelity 4:42 etc.  The opposite of which is to obey and follow 14:36.

258. YA-TADUUN (Those who exceed the limits) 2:61  íóÚúÊóÏõæúäó ( Ú Ï æ )

         Other derivatives: Transgression 70:31, passing beyond 18:28, moving fast 100:1 exceeding the limits set by Allah (SWT) 2:229 which He does not like 2:190.  These derivatives are associated with injustice 65:1 and sin 2:85.

259. HAADUU (Jews) 2:62åóÇÏõæÇ ( å æ Ñ)

Hud (PBH) 7:65, 11:50-60, 11:89, 26:124.

260. AN NASAARAA (Christians )   2:62ÇóáäøóÕóÇÑóÇ ( ä Õ Ñ )


261. AS SAABI-IIN (Sabaeans) 2:62 ÇóáÕøóÂÈöÁíúöäó ( Õ È Ç )

262. AJR ( Reward )  2:62ÇóÌúÑñ ( Ç Ì Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Reward 3:136, employment 28:26-27, dowries 4:24, due payment 65:6 etc.  They are associated with forgiveness 5:9, patience 16:96.

263. RAFA-NAA (We Raised) 2:63ÑóÝóÚúäóÇ ( Ñ Ý Ú )

         These derivatives mean raising and are used for raising of mention 94:4 ranks 2:253, voices 49:2, righteous deed 35:10, a person on a couch 12:100, Idris (PBH) to a high place 19:57, Isa (PBH) towards Allah (SWT) 4:158, mountain 2:93 foundation or walls 2:127, houses (mosques) 24:36 roof 52:5 heavenly bodies without pillar 13:2.  The opposite of raising is bringing down 56:3.

264. AT TUUR ( Mountain )    2:63ÇóáØøõæúÑó ( Ø æ Ñ )

         The mountain where Musa (PBH) talked to Allah (SWT) 19:52, 28:29 and a pledge was taken from Bani Israel 2:93. Stages 71:14.

265. QUWWAH ( Strength )  2:63ÞõæøóÉò ( Þ æ ì )

         Other derivatives: Collective strength due to the individual strength of members like an army 8:60, a community holding fast to its Divine book 2:63, a team of strongmen 28:76, thread consisting of individual fibres, the opposites of which are disintegration 16:92 and weakness 30:54.  Rain adds to the strength of a community 11:52.

         These derivatives are associated with trustworthiness 28:26, might 11:66 and severe punishment 8:52.

         ‘Al Qawiyyu’ meaning ‘The strong’ is one of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) 22:74, to whom belongs the intellectual and physical strength to hold together the whole universe 35:41.  In fact power is wholly Allah’s (SWT) 2:165, Who holds together His creation not allowing it to disintegrate as He is free from all weaknesses 17:111.

         One derivative is used in the sense of needy 56:73.


266. TAWALLAYTUM ( You turned away ) 2:64 (æ á ì )

Derivatives of these alphabets convey the sense of nearness 9:123, 3:68, closeness 33:6 Sorrowful 47:20, turning towards 2:149, turning away 18:18 with which is associated denial 75:32, Corruption 3:63 and infidelity 9:123, 88:23.  The friendship 3:28, Guardianship 8:72, Protection 18:44, holding command 47:22 and heirs 4:33.

These derivatives are associated with help 2:107 mediation 6:70, defence 13:37 and praise 42:28.

Words giving opposite sense are submission 3:20, obedience 3:32, accepting the truth and worshipping 75:31-32, enmity 60:1. These alphabets are used for two Attributes of Allah (SWT) ‘Al Wali’ 2:107 and ‘Waal’ 13:11 meaning ‘The Guardian’, Who is to be regarded as physically, mentally and spiritually closer than anyone else.  Relationship is by chance but friendship is by choice, we should therefore choose Allah (SWT) as our friend and guardian and always turn towards Him and not away from Him.

267. AS SABT (Sabbath)   2:65ÇóáÓøóÈúÊö ( Ó È Ê )

         During the period of prophet Dawuud (PBH) some Israelites dwelt at Elath on the Red Sea.  They were ordered not to fish on Sabbath i.e. Saturday as a mark of respect but the fish used to come in great numbers on Sabbath to tempt them.  Some inhabitants dug ditches and cut canals from the sea for the fish to enter on Sabbath, then they prevented them from going back into the sea by disconnecting the ditches and canals and removed the fish on Sunday.  They claimed that the fish came on Friday and were caught on Sunday, not Sabbath.  Therefore they were transformed into apes as a mark of punishment.

268. QIRADAH ( Apes ) 2:65ÞöÑöÏóÉó ( Þ Ñ Ï )

269. KHAASI-IIN (Looked down upon) 2:65ÎóÇÓöÁöíúäó ( Î Ó Ç )

            Looked down upon, despised 7:166, defeated 67:4 go away (unsuccessful)  23:108.

270. NAKAALA (  Exemplary Punishment )   2:66äóßóÇáð ( ä ß á )

Fetters 73:12.

271. YADAYHAA (In front of them)   2:66íóÏóíúåóÇ ( ì Ï ì )

         When derivatives of these alphabets are prefixed with the word ‘Bayna’ the combination conveys the sense of ‘in front of their hands’ because ‘Aydiihim’ means ‘their hands’.  In other words this combination means ‘in front of’ or ‘before’ 7:57 the opposite of which is ‘behind’ 2:255.  Few derivatives convey the sense of ‘what you have earned’ although the statement is ‘what your hands have earned’ 30:41, where hands represent the person to whom the hands belong.  In some cases hands represent power 3:73, control 36:83, 2:237 strength 38:45, restraining or stretching hands for spending 17:29 etc.

272. MAW’IZAH ( Warning and advice )  2:66  ãóæúÚöÙóÉð ( æ Ú Ù )

         Admonition so that one might not be ignorant of the danger ahead 11:46.  The Holy Quran itself is an admonition 10:57. We should admonish people through words that reach their soul 4:63 with wisdom and in the best manner possible 16:125. Admonition is associated with enjoining, doing of justice and good to others, giving to relatives, forbidding indecency, sin, rebellion etc. so that people may be mindful 16:90.  Luqman had admonished his son not to associate partners with Allah (SWT), to offer salat, be patient and not to be proud etc. 31:13-19.

273. BAQARAH (Cow)   2:67ÈóÞóÑóÉð ( È Þ Ñ )

274. AL-JAAHILIIN (The ignorant)   2:67ÇóáúÌóÇåöáöíúäó ( Ì å á )

         Other derivatives: Ignorance (of the punishment) 27:55, ignorance of the fact that no one can believe unless Allah (SWT) wills 6:111, lack of knowledge 2:273, doing something unknowingly 49:6.  These derivatives are associated with injustice 33:72 and guessing 3:154, The opposite sense is given by the words knowledge 12:89 and admonition 11:46.

275. BAYYIN (Make clear)  2:68Èóíøöäñ ( È ì ä )

         Other derivatives: Open 2:168 clear, 3:164, manifest 4:19, express 55:4 explain 2:185, 75:19, verify 49:6, investigate 4:94, distinguish 2:187, clear proofs 2:159 etc.


276. FAARIZ (Old) 2:68ÝóÇÑöÖñ ( Ý Ñ Ö )

277. BIKR (Very young) 2:68 ÈößúÑñ ( È ß Ñ )

278. AWAAN (Middle aged) 2:68ÚóæóÇäñ ( Ú æ ä )

279. SAFRAA-U ( Yellow )   2:69ÕóÝúÑóÂÁõ ( Õ Ý Ñ )

280. LAWNUHAA (Its colour) 2:69áóæúäõåóÇ ( á æ ä )

281. FAAQI ( Intensely Yellow )    2:69ÝóÇÞöÚñ ( Ý Þ Ú )

282. TASURRU (Delighting) 2:69ÊóÓõÑøõ ( Ó Ñ Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Happiness 76:11, prosperity 3:134, secret 66:3 private 71:9, hide 5:52, couches 15:47.  Words conveying opposite sense are loud 20:7 publicly 16:19, 71:9, reveal 12:77, adversity 3:134, harm 7:95.

         The happiness appears to be the inner happiness which is hidden as secret.

283. TUSIIRU Plough (the land)  2:71ÊõËöíúÑõ ( Ë æ Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Digging (the land) 30:9, which raises dust 100:4, probably it is in this sense that they are also used for raising (the clouds) 30:48, 35:9.

284. AL HARS The field (for cultivation) 2:71ÇóáúÍóÑúËó ( Í Ñ Ë )

         Other derivatives: Sowing (seeds) 56:63 (women as) tilth 2:223, crop 2:205, harvest 3:117, reward (indicating reaping the harvest of deeds) 42:20.

285. MUSALLAMAH Sound (defectless)  2:71  ãõÓóáøóãóÉñ ( Ó á ã )


286. SHIYAH ( Mark ) 2:71ÔöíóÉñ ( æ Ô ì )

287. JI-TA (  You have brought  ) 2:71ÌöÁúÊó ( Ì ì Ç )

яOther derivatives, come 4:43, drive 19:23

288. FADDAARATUM (So you disagreed)  2:72ÝóÇÏøóÇÑóÁúÊõãú ( Ï Ñ Ç )

         Other derivatives: Turn off (the punishment) 24:8 (evil with good) 13:22 (death) 3:168.

289. QASAT (Hardened) 2:74ÞóÓóÊú ( Þ Ó æ )

         Derivatives of these alphabets have been used to mean hardening (of hearts) 6:43.

290. ASHADDU (Greater)  2:74ÇóÔóÏøõ ( Ô Ï Ï )

         Other derivatives: Strong 38:20 strengthen 76:28, severe 2:165, intense 100:8, hard 14:18, harden 10:88, hardship 12:48, maturity 12:22 etc. The word which gives an opposite meaning is mercy 48:29.

291. YASH-SHAQQAQU (They split asunder)  2:74  íóÔøóÞøóÞõ ( Ô Þ Þ )

         Splitting (of the earth for vegetation) 80:26, splitting (of the earth on the day of resurrection) 50:44, splitting (of the moon) 54:1, splitting (of the sky on the day of resurrection) 25:25, hardship 16:7, tiresomeness 9:42, more painful 13:34 etc are the meanings communicated through the derivatives of the above alphabets.

292. KHASHIYAH (Fear)   2:74 ÎóÔúíóÉñ ( Î Ô ì )

293. GAAFIL (Unaware) 2:74ÛóÇÝöáñ ( Û Ý á )

         Other derivatives: Unawareness 2:85 carelessness 4:102, heedlessness 18:28, innocence 24:23.  The opposite meaning is given by knowledge 30:7.

294. TAM-AA (Hope)  2:75ØóãúÚÇð ( Ø ã Ú )

         Hope should be associated with fear while praying to Allah (SWT) 7:56.

295. YUHARRIFUUNAHUU ( They alter it )  2:75  íóÍóÑøöÝõæúäóåõ ( Í Ñ Ý )

         Other derivatives: Altering (words) 4:46, altering (position in war) 8:16 and standing on the verge (from where one can alter or change his position) 22:11.


296. TUHADDISUNAHUM (Acquaint them)  2:76  ÊõÍóÏøöËõæúäóåõãú ( Í Ï Ë )

         Other derivatives: Tell 99:4, proclaim 93:11, mention 18:70.  Conversation 33:53, acquaint 2:76, statement 7:185, Quran 39:23, story 20:9, issue 4:140, bring about 65:1, event 66:3 details of happenings 88:1, serve (a purpose) 20:113, new 21:2.

297. FATAHA (opened, revealed ) 2:76 ( Ý Ê Í )

Derivatives of these alphabets convey the sense of opening (bags) 12:15, opening (of gates of everything) 6:44, opening (of mercy) 35:2, opening (of blessings) 7:96, keys (for opening) 6:59, judgment 32:29, 34:26, decision 8:19, victory 48:1.

These derivatives are associated with help of Allah (SWT) 110:1 the opposite of which is defeat 14:15 and withholding 35:2 one of the attributes of Allah (SWT) is ‘Al Fattaah’ meaning ‘The Judge’, 34:26

The judge by His judgment or decision opens the way for further action i.e His judgment serves as a key.


298. YUHAAAJJUKUM ( They argue with you )  2:76  íõåóÂÌøõæúßõãú ( Í Ì Ì )

         Other derivatives: (1) Argument 6:149 which should not be without knowledge 3:66 (2) year 28:27 and (3) pilgrimage which we are ordered to perform 2:196 for the sake of Allah (SWT) 3:97, the date of the pilgrimage is to be fixed according to the Lunar Calendar 2:189.   During the pilgrimage, the pilgrims should not approach their wives, should not trangress the limits set by Allah (SWT) and His messenger and should not dispute 2:197.  Umrah is associated with pilgrimage 2:158.

299. YU’LINUUN (They proclaim )   2:77íõÚúáöãõæúäó ( Ú á ä )

         Proclaim or make public 27:74.  Words giving opposite meanings are hide 60:1, hide in the bosom 28:69 and keep secret 71:9.

300. UMMIYYUUN (Unlettered)   2:78Çõãøöíøõæúäó ( Ç ã ã )

         The first set of derivatives of these alphabets conveys the meanings of mother 7:150, mother (of cities) 6:92, original 13:39, capital (of a town) 28:59 and basis 3:7.  The second set communicates the meanings of community 2:128 and species 6:38.  The third set conveys the sense of leader 2:124, open or leading road 15:79, guide 36:12 and limit 75:5.

         One of the derivatives of the fourth set is ‘ummiyuun’ normally translated as the unlettered.  These ummiyyuun were those who did not follow any religious book, their religion was hearsay based on guess work 2:78. Opposed to this there was another group of people who were addressed by prophet Muhammed (PBH), they were those who were given a book i.e. the Jews and the Christians 3:20 who used to say that there was no responsibility on them regarding the ummiyyuun 3:75 i.e. people who were not following any Divine book before the Holy Quran was revealed.  Prophet Muhammed (PBH) was raised as a messenger from this group of ummiyyuun 62:2 and called Nabbiyyal-ummiyy 7:157 but was a messenger of Allah (SWT) to the whole of mankind including the Jews and the Christians 7:157-158.  Before the revelation of the Holy Quran prophet Muhammed (PBH) did not know reading or writing, had he known reading and writing then some people would have thought that the Quran was written by him i.e. they would have doubted its Divine origin 29:48.

         The Holy Quran is a treasure of true and useful knowledge, then how can a person to whom this great book was revealed be considered as unlettered?  In fact after the completion of the revelation of the Quran he should be considered the most learned human being who was basically selected to guide and lead the human species to paradise.


301. AMAANIYYA ( Hear say)  2:78ÇóãóÇäöíøó ( ã ä ì )

         Other derivatives: Desire 53:24, 4:119, they have also been used to convey the sense of emitting 56:58 of seminal fluid 75:37 during sexual intercourse which is again associated with desire.  One derivative has been used as a name of an idol ‘Manaat’ 53:20.

302. WAYL ( An expression of sorrow on some event )  2:79  æóíúáñ ( æ ì á )

303. YAKSIBUUN ( They earn ) 2:79íóßúÓöÈõæúäó ( ß Ó È )

         All the derivatives convey the sense of earning (deeds) 2:281, 286, (sin) 4:112 or (wealth) 2:267.

304. TAMASSANA  (Touch us ) 2:80 ÊóãóÓøóäóÇ ( ã Ó Ó )

         Other derivatives: Affliction 3:140, (something) befalling 2:214, effect (of old age) 15:54, experience 35:35 influence 2:275, sexual intercourse 2:236, 3:47, 58:3 and (physically) touching 20:97.

305. AL WAALIDAYN ( Parents )2:83ÇóáúæóÇáöÏóíúäö ( æ á Ï )

         Other derivatives: Father, 31:33, mother 2:233, children 17:64, son 12:21, begetter (father) and begotten (son) 90:3 and giving birth 58:2.  The opposite sense is conveyed by death 19:15.

306. AL-YATAAMAA (The orphans) 2:83ÇóáúíóÊóÇãÇ ( ì Ê ã )

         The orphans associated with relatives, the poor and the prisoners 76:8.

307. DIYAAR (Homes)  2:84ÏöíóÇÑö ( Ï æ Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Houses 60:8, home (of the hereafter) 2:94. (evil turn of) fortune 9:98 rolling (of eyes) 33:19 and transaction 2:282.

308. TAZAAHARUUN (Supporting each other)2:85  ÊóÙóÇåóÑõæúäó ( Ù å Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Help 33:26, 60:9, prevail 9:33, 9:48, have upper hand 9:8, 40:29, victorious 61:14 appear 24:31, easy visibility 34:18, expression (of words) 13:33, making known 66:3, knowledge 24:31, reveal 72:26, external 31:20, outside 57:13, superfluous 18:22, superficial 30:7, backs (of animals) 43:13, (human) back 9:35, surface (of sea) 42:33, surface (of the earth) 35:45, going up 43:33, climbing 18:97, mid day 30:18 declaring wives to be mothers 33:4.

         The opposite sense is conveyed through the words secret 6:151, internal 31:20 and inside 57:13.  Summarily these derivatives convey the sense of help, domination and exposure.

         One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is ‘Az Zaahir’ meaning ‘The Evident’ or the Outer Most 57:3.

309. AL-ISM (The sin)   2:85ÇóáÇöËúãö ( Ç Ë ã )

         This word communicates the meaning of sin whether done openly or secretly 6:120 hearts too commit sin 2:283.  Some of the sins are polytheism 4:48, adultery (Illigal sexual intercourse) 25:68, intoxicants and games of chance 2:219, usury 2:276.

            Sins are associated with transgression 5:2, revolt 2:173, injustice 2:182, shameful deeds 7:33, suspicion 49:12, lie 45:7, defaming, slander 68:11-12, infidelity 76:24, indecency and small faults 53:32, slander 4:20, fabricating falsehood 4:50, mistake 4:112, betrayal 4:107, vanity 52:23 etc.

         The words that convey an opposite sense are good 68:12, righteousness 5:2, benefit 2:219 patience 76:24, guarding against evil 2:203 reconciliation 2:182 etc.

         Allah (SWT) does not like the sinners 4:107 and there is a disgraceful punishment for the sinners 3:178.

310. USAARA (Captive)  2:85ÇõÓóÇÑóÇ ( Ç Ó Ñ )

         Prisoner 33:26. One derivatives is used to mean the frame or form of our body 76:28 probably because the body is kept intact by many forces, including life and consciousness, like a prisoner tied with ropes.


311. TUFAADUUHUM (You ransom them) 2:85ÊõÝóÇÏõæúåõãú ( Ý Ï ì )

312. MUHARRAM ( Unlawful )  2:85 ãõåóÑøóãñ ( Í Ñ ã )

         Other derivatives: Something being unlawful or forbidden 6:119, sacred 27:91, prevented (from begging) 51:19 deprived 56:67, etc.  Forbidden food is mentioned in 2:173, marriages 4:23, usury 2:275 We are not to make lawful that which Allah (SWT) has made unlawful 5:87, 16:116.

         The Kaaba is known as the sacred Mosque 2:144.  One of the derivatives is used to mean pilgrim’s dress 5:95.

313. KHIZ-UN ( Disgrace )  2:85ÎöÒúìñ ( Î Ò ì )

         Disgrace is associated with infidelity 9:2, humility 20:134 and a great punishment in the hereafter 5:41.

314. AL-QIYAAMH ( Resurrection )   2:85ÇóáúÞöíóÇãóÉö ( Þ æ ã )

         When the dead will be raised to life 4:87 for the judgment of their deeds in this world 2:113, 17:13 and subsequent reward in paradise or punishment in hell 3:185, 17:97, 41:40.

315. YURADDUUN ( They will be sent )  2:85íõÑóÏøõæúäó ( Ñ Ï Ï )

         Other derivatives: Turning back 33:25, taking back 2:228, keeping back 10:107, giving back 17:6, bringing back 28:13, sending back 7:53 turning away 21:40, giving away 16:71, take 5:108, return 4:86, 12:65, restore 79:10 returns 19:76, refer 4:59, thrust 14:9, blink (close and open the eye) 27:40.  Waver (to do or not to do) 9:45. All derivatives have the inherent meaning of returning something.


316. YUKHAFFAFU ( It will be lightened ) 2:86 íõÎóÝøóÝõ ( Î Ý Ý )

         Light the opposite of which is heavy 7:8-9 also relaxation 2:178.

317. QAFFAYANAA ( We made to follow ) 2:87  ÞóÝøóíúäóÇ ( Þ Ý æ )

318.  ISA  (PBH) 2:87ÚöíúÓóÇ ÇÈúäó ãóÑúíóãó ( Ú Ó ì )

 Birth of Maryam (PBH)

            When the wife of Imran said “My Fosterer! I vow to you that which is in my womb to be set free (for your service) so accept (it) from me.  You are certainly Hearing, Knowing.  Then when she delivered it she said, “My Fosterer! I have delivered it a female”.  And Allah knew best what she had delivered and the male is not like the female.  “And I have named her Maryam and I seek your protection for her and her offspring, from the devil, the outcast.”  So her Fosterer accepted her with a good acceptance and made her (Maryam) grow into a good growth and gave her into the guardianship of Zakariyya............. 3:35-37

         ‘And when the angels said, “O Maryam! Allah has certainly chosen you and cleaned you and chosen you above the women of the worlds. O Maryam! be devoutly obedient to your Fosterer and prostrate and bow down with those who  bow down 3:42-43. Maryam (PBH) informed of Isa’s (PBH) birth:


When the angels said “O Maryam! certainly Allah conveys to you the good news of a word (Kalimatin) from Him, his name is the Messiah, Isa, the son of Maryam, worthy of regard in the world and the hereafter and from among those who are near (to Allah). And he will talk to human beings (while) in the cradle and (in) old age, and (he will be) from among the righteous.” (She) said, “O my Fosterer! how can I have a son when man has not touched me?” He said, like that, Allah creates what He wills when He decrees an affair then, He says to it only, ‘Be’, so it is. 3:45-47

Miraculous birth of Isa (PBH) without a father

         ‘And mention in the book (about) Maryam when she withdrew from her people to an eastern place and took a veil (to screen herself) from them. Then We sent to her Our spirit (Ruhina) so he (Jibreel) appeared to her like a balanced man. She said, “I seek the protection of the Beneficent (Allah) from you if you are one who guards (against evil).” He said, “I am only a messenger (Rasool) of your Fosterer that I may grant to you a pure son.” She said, “How can there be a son to me when man has not touched me and I am not one who has exceeded the limits?” He said, “(It will Be) like that. Your Fosterer says that is easy for Me and that We will make him a sign for mankind and a mercy from Us, and it is an affair decided.” So she bore him then withdrew with him to a distant place. And the pains of child birth drove her to a palm tree. She said,  “I wish I had died before this and had become forgotten (as something) to be forgotten.” Then she was called from beneath her, “Do not grieve, your Fosterer has made a rivulet beneath you, and shake the trunk of the date palm towards you, making ripe dates to fall down to you. Then eat and drink and cool (your) eye and if you see any man then say : I have vowed a fast to the Beneficent, therefore I will not speak to any man today,” Then she came to her people carrying him (Isa). They said ‘ O Maryam! you have come with a strange thing. O sister of Harun! your father was not a bad man nor your mother was one who exceeded the limits,” so she pointed towards him (Isa, for the explanation). They said “How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?”

         He (Isa) said, “I am a servant of Allah, He has given me the book and made me a prophet.....................................”, such was Isa, the son of Maryam. (This is a) statement of the fact about which they doubt.  It is not befitting to Allah that He should take to Himself a son, glory be to Him, when He decrees an affair, He says to it only, “Be,” so it is. 19:16-35 

Maryam’s chastity certified by Allah Taala ‘And Maryam the daughter of Imran, who guarded her chastity, so We breathed into it (her body), from Our spirit and she testified to the truth of her Fosterer and His books and she was among the obedient ones, 66:12

Isa’s (PBH) birth compared with Adam’s (PBH)

         The likeness of Isa, with Allah is certainly as the likeness of Adam.  (He) proportioned him from the soil, then said to him, “Be,” so he was (created). 3:59.

Isa (PBH) is not Allah’s son as Christians Claim

         ‘And they say, “The Beneficent (Allah) has taken (to Himself) a son, “You have indeed come with a disastrous thing.  The skies are about to cleave asunder due to it and the earth to split asunder and the mountains to fall down in pieces, that they invoke a son for the Beneficent (Allah).  And it does not suit the Beneficent (Allah) that He should take (to Himself) a son, there is no one in the skies and the earth but he comes to the Beneficent (Allah) as a servant.” 19:88-93.

Isa (PBH) strengthened through Jibreel (PBH)

         “............... And We gave to Isa, the son of Maryam clear proofs and strengthened him with the holy spirit (Jibreel (PBH)) .............. 2:87

Isa (PBH) messenger of Allah, His word and a spirit from Him, predicts about Muhammed (SAWS).

         ‘............. and We made Isa, the son of Maryam to follow (earlier messengers) and gave him the Injeel..........” 57:27

         ‘And (remember) when Isa, the son of Maryam said, “O children of Israel! I am a messenger of Allah sent to you, confirming that which is before me of the Torah and conveying the good news of a messenger who will come after me his name being Ahmed (Muhammed)............” 61:6

         ‘O owners of the book! do not commit excesses in your religion, and do not say about Allah (anything) other than the truth.  The Messiah, Isa, the son of Maryam was only a messenger of Allah and His word which He had communicated to Maryam and a spirit from Him (word ‘Be communicated through Jibreel to Maryam), so believe in Allah and His messengers and do not say, ‘Three, it will be better for you if you stop (saying it).  Allah is only One God (and not one of the three as Christians claim).  It is far from His glory that He should have a son for Himself.  Whatever is in the skies and whatever is in the earth is His and Allah is sufficient as a Trustee.  The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of Allah.............” 4:171-172

Miracles performed through Isa (PBH)

         ‘When Allah will say, “O Isa, the son of Maryam! remember My favour on you and on your mother, when I strengthened you with the holy spirit you were made to speak to people in the cradle (childhood) and in old age, and when I taught you the book and the wisdom and the Torah and the Injeel, and when you proportioned from the clay a form like that of a bird by My permission then you breathed in it so it became a bird  by My permission, and you healed the blind by birth and the leper by My permission, and when you brought out the dead by My permission and when I withheld the children of Isreal from (harming) you when you came to them with clear proofs, then those who did not believe from among them said; “This is nothing but clear magic.” 5:110

Isa (PBH) did not claim that he was God.

         ‘And when Allah will say, “O Isa, the son of Maryam! did you say to mankind: Take me and my mother as two gods, besides Allah?” He will say, “Glory be to you.  It does not be fit me that I should say something for which I have no right (to say).  Had I said it then you would have known it..........” 5:116

Isa (PBH) was neither crucified nor killed, he was raised towards Allah (SWT) and will come back before the day of resurrection

         ‘When Allah said, “O Isa! I will take you back and raise you towards Myself and clean you from those who do not believe, and towards the day of resurrection, I will make those who follow you, above those who do not believe, then towards Me you will all return then I will judge between you in (matters) in which you disagreed”.3:55

         ‘And he (Isa) is certainly the knowledge (a sign) for the hour of doom..........’ 43:61

         ‘And (We punished them) due to their infidelity, and due to the great false charge on Maryam in their speech and due to their, saying, “We killed Messiah, Isa, the son of Maryam, messenger of Allah”.  And they did not kill him nor did they crucify him, but for them, he (the one crucified) was made to resemble (Isa), and those who differ in it are certainly in a doubt about it.  They do not have any knowledge of it, they follow nothing but conjecture and they certainly did not kill him.  No, Allah raised him towards Himself and Allah is Mighty, Wise.  And there is not a single person from among the owners of the book but he will definitely believe in him before his death, and on the day of resurrection he will be a witness on them”. 4:156-159

Summary : First angels inform Maryam (PBH) about the birth of a son on which she expresses her surprise as no man had touched her and Allah (SWT) Himself certified her chastity.  Isa (PBH) appears to be the personification of the word ‘Kun’ meaning ‘Be’ from Allah (SWT) communicated to Maryam (PBH) through the spirit Jibreel (PBH).  This is probably what is meant by calling him a ‘Word and spirit from Him.’  Isa (PBH) is always called the son of Maryam (PBH) because he did not have a father and he was not the son of Allah as Christians claim.  Maryam must have gone through the whole process of child birth and during the period when Isa (PBH) was in her womb she must have eaten the food from the earth which was food for Isa (PBH) too.  Probably in this sense he is said to have been proportioned from the said (Turab) which supplies plant nutrients.  Isa (PBH) was sent as a messenger of Allah Taala to Bani Israel and was made to perform a number of miracles as proofs of his prophethood.  He was given the Injeel, he certified to the truth of earlier prophets and informed about the coming of prophet Muhammed (PBH) after him.  He never claimed that he was God or the son of God.  He was neither crucified nor killed but was raised towards Allah Taala, someone resembling him was crucified.  He will be sent back before the day of resurrection, which is also mentioned in many sayings of prophet Muhammed (PBH).

319. AYYADNAAHU (We Strengthened Him)  2:87ÇóíøóÏúäóÇåõ ( Ç ì Ï )

                              Other  derivatives :  Power/authority 38:17, energy/strength 51:47.


320. RUUH (Spirit) 2:87 ÑõæúÍö ( Ñ æ Í )

         Ruuhil qudus 16:102, Ruuhul amiin 26:192-196, Ruuh 42:52, Jibriil (PBH) 2:97 are different names of the same being who brought down the Quran on the heart of prophet Muhammed (PBH) by the order of Allah (SWT).  The message contained in the Quran guides towards the path of Allah (SWT) 34:6, 4:175-176, leading to paradise 2:25, whereas the instigation's of the devil mislead human beings from this path and land them in hell 4:60, 7:18.  Jibrill (PBH) and Ibliis the devil thus perform opposite jobs of propagating good and evil respectively.

         Jibriil (PBH) comes down by the command of Allah (SWT) on whom He wills of His servants with His message 16:2, 40:15, 17:85.  He comes down with the angels too with a programme for every affair 97:4.  In association with the angels he ascends towards Allah (SWT) in a period of 50,000 years 70:4 and on the day of resurrection he will stand with them in ranks 78:38 Jibriil (PBH) had acquired the form of a man and talked to Maryam (PBH) 19:17-19.  Jibriil (PBH) is thus always associated with good things and good people.  He appears to be the power of right decision in contrast to Ibliis who is always associated with bad things and bad people who appears to be an evil force - the power of wrong decision.  In view of this (1) the blowing of ‘Ruuhi’ into Adam (PBH) 15:29 could mean the bestowing of the power of right decision to mankind (2) the strengthening of Isa (PBH) with Ruuh-il qudus 2:87 could mean helping Isa (PBH) through Jibriil (PBH) to take right decisions due to which he was able to speak correct things even as a child 5:110 and (3) strengthening the believers with ‘Ruuh’ 58:22 could again mean helping them in taking the right decision opposite to the devil’s party who will be losers 58:19.

         Allah (SWT) is Unique being One 112:1 whereas in His creation everything is in pairs 43:12, nothing is single like Him 112:4, few examples of pairs in the creation are man and women, day and night, good and evil.  Millions of such examples can be given.

         In view of this too Jibrill (PBH) and Ibliis appear to be opposing forces which influence human beings. This interpretation is supported by the following statement of prophet Muhammed (PBH) reported by Ibn-i-Masood (R.A.) and collected by Muslim.

         The Prophet (PBH) had said, “There is not one among you who does not have an incharge on him accompanying him, one from among the Jinn and one accompanying him from among the angels”.  ( See word No. 42:1 )

         Man has thus been given the power to choose and decide which is probably referred to as ‘Amaanat’ meaning ‘Trust’ 33:72.  Jibriil (PBH) and the messages sent through him help men in taking the right decision whereas Ibliis and his associates mislead them from this right decision.  Ruuhi 15:29, Ruuhanaa 19:17 and Ruuhihii 32:9 translated as My spirit, Our spirit and His spirit respectively need not mean the soul or any part of Allah (SWT) just because possessive pronouns are used.  Take the examples of the terms Malaa-’ikatihii, Kutubihii and rusulihii 4:136 meaning His angels, His books and His messengers respectively.  We know that angels, books and messengers are not parts of Allah (SWT) they just belong to Him.  Therefore ‘Ruuh’ could also be a separate being like angels and messengers who belong to Allah (SWT) but are not His part.

         No where in the Quran is the word Ruuh used in the sense of soul, the word ‘Nafs’ is used to mean soul which is taken away at the time of death along with life 39:42.

         Many people believe that Ruuh is the soul of Allah (SWT), just because of the possessive pronouns used with it.  They argue that it was this soul of Allah (SWT) that was breathed into Adam (PBH) and we have inherited it through him.  If we already possess the soul of Allah (SWT) then why should it be again put into Maryam (PBH) and why should Isa (PBH) and believers be supported with it?  Many human beings go to different prohibited places like gambling houses, night clubs etc. and get involved in grave sins.  How can one imagine committing grave and shameful sins with the soul of Allah (SWT) in him?  If all human beings possess the soul of Allah (SWT) are we not dividing His Soul into different parts?  Allah (SWT) has clearly indicated that He is a separate Being 58:7.

         In view of all this, Ruuh or Jibriil (PBH) appears to be a separate being which influences the psychical personalities of humam beings like the angels and devils, helping them in taking the right decision and he belongs to Allah (SWT) in the sense that the whole creation belongs to Him.  Ruuh may be something like knowledge, which too is a power belonging to Allah (SWT) ‘Ilmihii’ meaning His knowledge 2:255.  Like knowledge Ruuh (the power of right decision) too is shared by human beings to different extents without itself getting reduced.

         Ruuh meaning the power of right decision was breathed into Adam (PBH), angels by bowing down before Adam (PBH) bowed down before Ruuh too and consequently they are with the believers helping them in taking the right decision.  Had Ibliis too bowed down before Adam (PBH) he would have surrendered before the power of right decision i.e. the Ruuh and in that case he would not have been in a position to mislead human beings by instigating wrong decisions in them.  Ruuh is always expressed in masculine gender and singular number.


321. TAHWAA (You desire) 2:87  Êåæóí (å æí)

         Other derivatives:Desire 7:176, inclination 14:37, dropping 22:31, setting (of star) 53:1, vacant 14:43 wandering 6:71, overthrowing 53:53, perishing 20:81 and a deep pit in hell containing fire 101:9-11.  These derivatives are associated with pride 2:87, denial, murder 5:70, guess 53:23, going astray 38:26, heedlessness towards remembrance of Allah (SWT) 18:28, infidelity 20:16, making desire one’s god 25:43, injustice 30:29, evil deeds 47:14, seal on hearts 47:16.  The opposite sense is communicated through the words guidance 53:23, justice 4:135, truth 5:48, Divine revelation 53:3 fear of Allah (SWT) 79:40, knowledge 2:120, Quran 5:49, clear proof Allah (SWT) 47:14.

322. GULF ( Coverings )  2:88ÛõáúÝñ ( Û á Ý )

323. LA-ANAHUM (He has cursed them)  2:88áóÚóäóåõãú ( á Ú ä )

         Those who are cursed are the infidels 2:161, hypocrits 33:61, deniers 3:61 unjust 7:44, corrupt 13:25, those who hide Divine revelation 2:159.  This curse is associated with annoying Allah (SWT) and His messenger (PBH) 33:57 and His anger 4:93.

         The result of the curse of Allah (SWT) was/will be punishment, a sect of Bani Israel became apes and swine 5:60, hardening of hearts 5:13 deafening & blinding 47:23, murder 33:61, great punishment 4:93, blazing fire 33:64 etc.

324. ARAFUU (They recognized )  2:89ÚóÑóÝõæúÇ ( Ú Ñ Ý )

         Other derivatives :  Recognizing (someone by marks) 47:30, recognized (good manners) 2:233, make known 66:3 confess 40:11 acknowledge 9:102, height (from where one can recognize) 7:46, one after another 77:1, Arafaat (probably associated with mutual recognition of the pilgrims during Haj) 2:198.

         These derivatives are associated with good 2:229, 3:104, forgiveness 2:263, salat 9:71, truth 4:114, being within limits set by Allah (SWT) 9:112, obedience 47:21 etc.

325. BI-SA ( Evil ) 2:90ÈöÆúÓó ( È Ç Ó )

326. BAGYA ( Oppressed ) 2:90ÈóÛúíðÇ ( È Û ì )

Other derivatives: (1) seeking 6:164, desiring 12:65 and pursuit 4:104 (2) rebellion associated with sin 7:33, oppression 28:76, doing something wrong to someone 38:24, envy 2:213, exceeding the limits 19:20, prostitution (exceeding limits) 24:33, pass (meaning crossing something) 55:20 (3) possibility 36:40, suiting 19:92.

327. MUHIIN ( Disgraceful )   2:90ãõåöíúäñ ( å æ ä )

         Other derivatives:  Disgraceful 3:178 and shameful 16:59 opposed to honour 89:15-16, easy 19:9 and humility 25:63 opposed to great 24:15.

328. WARAA-A ( Comes after )  2:91æóÑóÂÁó ( æ Ñ ì )

         Other derivatives: Hiding something 5:31 the opposite of which is making manifest 7:20.  They are used in the sense of behind 2:101, rear 57:13 beyond something 23:7, after (referring to future) 19:5 before 14:16, all sides 85:20, being after something 18:79, kindle 56:71, striking fire 100:2 etc.

329. KHAALISAH (Exclusively) 2:94ÎóÇáöÕóÉð ( Î á Õ )

           Other derivatives:  Exclusively (for someone) 7:32 and purity 16:66.  In one verse 12:80 the meaning conveyed is going away from others i.e. excluding them.

330. ABADA (Ever)  2:95ÇóÈóÏðÇ ( Ç È Ï )

         It always means for ever, 4:57 and when used with a negative it means never 5:24.


331. QADDAMAT (Sent before )  2:95ÞóÏøóãóÊú ( Þ Ï ã )

Other derivatives :Doing something in advance 38:61, sending before (prefer) 75:13, turning towards something 25:23, leading 11:98, preceding 49::1.  The opposite meanings are given by remaining behind 74:37, foot prints (which are left behind) 36:12 and putting behind (not preferring) 75:13. Some derivatives convey the sense of footing 10:2, feet 8:11 and old 36:39.

332. TAJIDA (You Will find)   2:96 ÊóÌöÏó ( æ Ì Ï )

         Other derivatives: To find something 3:37, only once it is used to mean according to your means or capacity 65:6.

333. AHRASA ( Greediest ) 2:96ÇóÍúÑóÕó ( Í Ñ Õ )

          Other derivatives convey the meaning of excessive desire 12:103.


334. ASHRAKU They associated partners (with Allah (SWT). 2:96

 ÇóÔúÑóßõæúÇ ( Ô Ñ ß )

The Quran repeatedly states and stresses that there is only one God 2:163 and that is Allah 47:19.  Whatever exists in the Universe besides Allah is His creation 25:3, 31:11, 46:4 and nothing from His creation should be considered as god or equal to 41:9 or partner 9:31, 20:32 or relative 6:101 or associate of Allah 17:111 either in personality or in attributes.  One who does so is known as a polytheist (Mushrik) and the act is known as polytheism (shirk).  A mushrik, instead of or in addition to Allah, worship 10:18, obeys, seeks help from 22:12, fears 4:77 etc persons and things other than Allah, The list of such objects is: Idols (22: 30-31), sun and moon (41:37) animals (7:152) Jinn (6:100), devils (36:60), angels and prophets (3:80), Uzair, Isa (PBT) learned people, monks (9:30-31), evil desires (25:43), material possessions, status etc. (18:32-46), traditions (2:170) laws of nature etc.

         Polytheism is an unforgivable sin (4:48,116).  These objects of worship besides Allah do not create anything while they are themselves created, they can neither help others nor themselves, they can neither harm nor profit anyone, they are powerless (7:191-195, 10:18; 16:73-74; 22:73, 46:4-6).  It is reasoned out in the Quran that if there were more than one gods each god would have taken away what he had created and some of them would have over powered others (23:91).  This logical argument proves that there is only One God and this is Allah.  So we are ordered to pray only to Allah (10:106).  Then in ch 112 it is clearly stated that Allah is One on whom all depend, He neither begets nor is He begotten and none is like Him.

335. YAWADDU ( He Loves ) 2:96íóæóÏøõ ( æ Ï Ï )

         Other derivatives: Love 30:21, liking 68:8-9 and wishing 15:2 the opposite of which is enemity 60:7.  Al Waduud is an Attribute of Allah (SWT) meaning ‘The Loving’ 11:90, which is associated with His mercy and protective forgiveness 85:14. If anyone loves Allah (SWT) he should follow prophet Muhammed (PBH) in implementing the Quran, then Allah too will love him and forgive his sins 3:31-32.

         One of the derivatives is used for the name of a false deity 71:23.

336. AHAD ( One, unique )  2:96 ( Ç Í Ï )

An attribute of Allah (SWT) 112:1. This word also means ‘no one else’ 90:7, anyone 5:115, one of the two 5:27 etc.  Allah (SWT) is One and Unique in the sense that no one else is like Him, anything other than Him is His creation dependent upon Him 112:1-4.

337. YUAMMARU ( Made to live ) 2:96    íõÚóãøóÑõ ( Ú ã Ñ )

         Other derivatives:  Keeping alive 35:37, long life 36:68, length of life fixed 35:11, visit 9:18, visiting Kaaba 2:196, building 30:9, maintenance 9:19, name of father of Maryam (PBH) Imraan 3:35.

338. SANAH   (Years)  2:96ÓóäóÉñ ( Ó ä æ )

         It is specifically used to mean an year.  In one case it means famine 7:130 and in another flash 24:43.

339. MUZAHZIH (One removed )  2:96ãõÒóÍúÒöÍó ( Ò Í Ò Í )

340. ( JIBRIIL )    2:97  ÌöÈúÑöíúáó ( Ì È Ñ á )

Name of the spirit who communicated the Holy Quran to the prophet Muhammed ( PBH ) [ See word No. 320 Ruuh ]


341. IZN  ( Order or Permission ) 2:97 ÇöÐúäö ( Ç Ð ä )

Also see word under 8:66

342. MIIKAAL (Name of an angel) 2:98ãöíúßóÇáó ( ã ß á )

343. NABAZA (Cast aside)  2:100 äóÈóÐó ( ä È Ð )

Other derivatives : Throwing 20:96 and withdrawing 19:16.

344. MULK ( Kingdom) 2:102ãõáúßó ( ã á ß )

         The associates of this word convey the meanings of power 7:188; control 24:61,5:25, rule 27:23, kingdom 2:107, authority 2:247, government 40:29, possession 4:3, able 78:37, accord (will) 20:87.  Allah (SWT) is the Real King 20:114 and He gives authority to whom He wills 3:26.

345. SULAYMAAN (pbh) (Soloman) 2:102ÓõáóíúãóÇäó ( Ó á ã )

Sulaymaan (PBH) : was Dawood’s (PBH) son and inherited his kingdom (38:30 and  27:16) and he was a prophet like Dawood (PBH) who was given the Divine scripture Zabur (4:163) Dawood and Sulaymaan (PBT) were kings as well as messengers of Allah (SWT)  which shows that saintly people need not always be poor.  Sulaymaan (PBH) was given knowledge, wisdom and judgment (21:78-79 and  27:15).  His army consisted of Jinn, human beings and birds (27:17).  The wind was at his command (21:81 ).  The devils dived for him and did other works too (21:82) and the Jinn worked before him constructing fortresses, images, reservoirs, cooking pots, bowls etc (34:12-13).  It appears that copper was used during his period (34:12).  He knew the speech of birds (27:16).  The bird hoopoe had informed him of a woman who ruled over a place called Saba, whose inhabitants were sun worshippers.  Sulayman (PBH) sent a message to her and her people through hoopoe to come to him and surrender as a Muslim.  On his invitation she came to him and surrendered as a Muslim.( 27: 20-44 )

         When Sulayman (PBH) inquired in his court as to who could get the throne of the Queen of Saba before she came to him surrendering, one Jinn said that he could bring it before Sulayman (PBH) before he rose from his court.  But one who had the knowledge of the book (Kitab also means law) or the laws of nature said that he would bring it to him before he blinks his eyes, and he did so (27:38-42).  This shows that the Thrown was probably transported from Saba to Sulaymaan’s (PBH) court at light like speed.  There are reports that scientists are engaged in making an effort to transport materials at light like speeds.  This mode of transportation is known as ‘Tele parcel’.  It is said that the object to be transported would first be converted to its electrons, neutrons, protons etc. and then these atomic particles would be made to travel at light like speed, on reaching their destination these particles would be resembled into the original object.  Right now we receive television signals from thousands of miles within a fraction of a second, in view of which ‘Tele parcel’ might not be impossible.  The important point to be noted here is that the present knowledge of the high speed of atomic particles and photons (3 lakh kilometers per second) appears to have existed even during the days of Sulaymaan (PBH) who himself was given many miraculous powers by Allah (SWT); like control over wind, birds, jinn, devils etc.


346. AS-SIHR (Magic)  2:102ÇóáÓøöÍóÑ ( Ó Í Ñ )

Magic is illusion as indicated in the following verses of the Quran :-“............... so when (the magicians threw), their ropes and rods appeared to him (Musa (PBH)), due to their magic, as if they were in motion”. 20:66.

         “So when they (the magicians) threw, they cast magic on the eyes of the people...............” 7:116.

         The ropes and rods did not move but the eyes of Musa (PBH) and the people around perceived them to be in motion, i.e. their eyes were illusioned.  Magic according to the Quran is something unreal, illusionary and a deception.

         The word ‘Sahar’ is used for the point of time when the night departs and the day starts 54:34 probably because one is confused or under deception whether that particular time is night or day compared to ‘Fajar’ 2:187 when one is sure that the day has started.

         Magic is associated with lie 38:4 the opposite of which is truth 10:76, whereas ‘Miracles’ performed through messengers of Allah (SWT) 54:1-2 are not only real but proofs of their being messengers of Allah (SWT) 28:32 The phenomenon of magic is such that the eyes of viewer are deceived and nothing actually happens to him or the objects on which magic is presumed to have been performed.  This rules out the possibility of messengers of Allah (SWT) becoming the objects of magic as presumed by Firawn regarding Musa (PBH) 17:101 and by those astray and the unjust, regarding prophet Muhammed (PBH) 17:47-48, 25:8-9.

         Illusions and deceptions do effect the human eye and perception, projecting an unrealistic picture on the mind.  The sun appears to move around the earth but the fact is that the earth is moving around it.  The whole mankind is involved in this illusion daily.  A train moving on parallel adjacent rails gives an impression to people sitting in a stationary train as if their train was moving.  If a disc is divided into 7 segments and each segment painted with rainbow colours in the order VIBGYOR and rotated fast, one sees white colour and not the  individual 7 colours which make up ordinary light.  Here again the eye is deceived.  To one who does not understand science, the merger of 7 colours to give the effect of white colour on the rotating disc is magic.  In this example too, it is not the colour of the disc that changes but it is the eye which is deceived and perceives the 7 colours as a single white colour.  As soon as the rotation of the disc is stopped one can see all the 7 colours intact and unchanged.

         The infidels called the messengers of Allah (SWT) magicians 10:2 and the miracles performed by them magic 27:13. In a miracle the change is in the object and what the eye sees is real, not a deception.

         A miracle is a phenomenon against the laws of nature known during its period of performance and it is performed by Allah (SWT) through His messengers (1) to provide a proof of their prophethood and (2) as a challenge that no one else can go against the laws of nature laid down by Allah (SWT).

         For Sulaymaan (PBH) Allah (SWT) had made the wind to move so fast that it covered one month’s journey in one morning or one evening 34:12 Allah (SWT) had made prophet Muhammed (PBH) to travel from Mecca to Jerusalem during one night 17:1.  These speeds of travel were impossible according to the laws of nature known then, now we have Aeroplanes, rockets etc. which travel at very fast speeds but in accordance with the laws of nature known to us now.

         The food and drink of a man were preserved for hundred years 2:259, a fact which could not be explained then but now we have deep freezes in which food and drinks could be preserved for long periods according to the laws of nature known to us now.

         It is quite possible that in future Allah (SWT) may increase the knowledge of human beings to such an extent that they may perform things similar to other miracles reported in the Quran except things like creation, overcoming death etc. 10:34, 13:16, 56:58-74.

         In scientific experiments the change may or may not be deceptive, but it is factual as in the case of a miracle.  This change is in accordance with the known laws of nature laid down by Allah (SWT) whereas in the case of a miracle although the change is real it is against the laws of nature known then.  In the case of magic the change is deceptive and apparently against the laws of nature, this was the reason why some people considered miracles as magic and called messengers of Allah (SWT) magicians.

347. BAABIL ( Babylon ) 2:102ÈóÇÈöáó ( È È á )

348. HAARUUT AND MAARUUT 2:102 ( å Ñ æ - ã Ñ æ )

349. FITNAH (Trial)  2:102ÝöÊúäóÉñ ( Ý Ê ä )

         Other derivatives: Test or trial 6:53.  A test involves temptation 7:27, persecution 85:10, affliction 8:25, being misled 37:162 or turned back due to temptation 5:49 and punishment 51:13 on failure.

350. AL MAR-I ( Man )   2:102ÇóáúãóÑúÁö ( ã Ñ Ç )

         Other derivatives: Man 19:28, husband 2:102, woman 4:12 and wife 3:35.

351. ZARAR ( Harm )  2: 102ÖóÑóÑñ ( Ö Ñ Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Harm 11:57, injury 4:95, adversity 3:134 etc. associated with distress 6:42.  The opposite sense is given by the words benefit 10:106, prosperity 3:134, happiness 11:10, mercy 41:50 etc.

352. NAFA-SA (Profit)   2:102äóÝóÚñ ( ä Ý Ú ) 

         Other derivatives: Profit 2:164 and benefit 40:52, the opposite of which is harm 10:106.

353. AL MASUUBAH  (Reward  2:103)ÇóáúãóËõæúÈóÉõ ( Ë æ È )

         Derivatives of these alphabets convey meanings which differ from each other: Reward 83:36, resort 2:125, garments 76:21 clothes 74:4 etc.

354. RAA-INAAA (Listen to us)  2:104ÑóÇÚöäóÇ ( Ñ Ú ä )

         This word with a twist of the tongue means ‘He is foolish’, therefore an unambiguous word is suggested in its place.

355. YAKHTASSU (He Chooses)  2:105 íóÎúÊóÕøõ ( Î Õ Õ )

Other derivatives: Being exclusive 8:25 and in need 59:9.


356. NASAKHA (Abolish)  2:106äóÓóÎó ( ä Ó Î )

         Other derivatives: Wiping off 22:52, recording 45:29 and inscription 7:154.

357. RASUUL (Messenger)   2:108ÑóÓõæúáñ ( Ñ Ó á )

         Other derivatives: Sending someone or something 9:33, 25:48, messenger 7:134.  Allah (SWT) had sent His messengers to all communities or nations 16:36, He has named some in the Quran and not named many others 4:164, so that there should be no excuse that a particular nation did not get any messenger 4:165. 

         Muhammed (PBH) is the last messenger 33:40 sent to the whole mankind 34:28 and we are ordered to obey Allah (SWT) and His messenger (Muhammed (PBH)) to achieve the greatest success 33:71 i.e. paradise 48:17.

358. AS-SABILL (Way)  2:108ÇóáÓøóÈöíúáö ( Ó È á )

Also translated as path 80:20 and road 16:15.

 359. AHL (Owners or Followers)  2: 109Çóåúáñ ( Ç å á )

         Other derivatives: People 7:96, inhabitants 7:100, worthy 48:26, capable of 74:56, owners 10:24, family 3:121, wife 12:25, brother 20:29, dwellers 38:64.

360. HASADA (Envy) 2:109ÍóÓóÏðÇ ( Í Ó Ï )

 Jealousy 48:15.

361. ASFAHUU (You overlook) 2:109ÇóÕúÝóÍõæúÇ ( Õ Ý Í )

         Ignore 43:5 associated with pardon and protective forgiveness 64:14.

362. HAATUU (Bring)   2:111åóÇÊõæúÇ ( å ì Ê )

363. BURHAAN (Proof ) 2:111ÈõÑúåóÇäñ ( È Ñ å )

         Other derivatives: Clear evidence 12:24, miracles as proofs of prophethood 28:32.

364. WAJ-HAHUU (Himself ) 2:112æóÌúåóåõ ( æ Ì å )

         Other derivatives: Face 12:93.  If someone calls us we normally turn our face in his direction, few derivatives have been used to convey the sense of attention 12:9.  Face being in front, it appears first, in this sense at one place these derivatives are used to mean morning compared to evening 3:72 as morning appears first.  Face is the basis for recognizing someone as a person, therefore some derivatives have been used to mean the person as a whole 2:112.  They are also used to convey the sense of direction towards which one turns his face 16:76.  They are also used to mean honour 33:69 as a person who is honoured is recognized by his face. In the life in the hereafter too faces have been mentioned 80:38-41.

         It is stated that, in which ever direction one turns the ‘Wajhu’ i.e. the Face or Person or Attention of Allah (SWT) is there 2:115.  This may mean that Allah (SWT) concentrates or pays His Attention to everything, everywhere all the time, contrary to this we can concentrate on only one thing at a time.

365. LAYSA ( Nothing )  2:113áóíúÓó ( á ì Ó )

         Derivatives of these alphabets are used to convey the sense of not 2:177, no 2:198 etc.


366. MANA-‘A (He Prevents)  2:114ãóäóÚó ( ã ä Ú )

         Other derivatives: Refusing 107:7, forbidding 50:25, holding back 18:55, guarding 21:43, protecting 4:141, defending 59:2, being niggardly 70:21 etc.

367. SA-‘AA (He strives) 2:114 ÓóÚóÇ ( Ó Ú ì )

         Other derivatives: Effort 20:15, movement 20:66, haste 79:22 swiftness 2:260, running 28:20 etc.

368. KHARAABIHAA (Ruin them ) 2:114ÎóÑóÇÈöåóÇ ( Î Ñ È )

369. AL MASHRIQ (The East )  2:115ÇóáúãóÔúÑöÞõ ( Ô Ñ Þ )

370. AL MAGRIB (The West)  2:115ÇóáúãóÛúÑöÈõ ( Û Ñ È )

         These words are normally translated as the east and the west respectively.  An associated word ‘Ashraqa’ means to shine or light up (39:69).  At dawn the environment is illuminated by the sun, this direction is therefore known as Mashriq i.e. the east.  The word ‘Gharabiyb’ means extremely black (35:27) and the word ‘Ghurub’ means to set (50:39).  The direction in which the sun sets and thus gives rise to darkness is known as Maghrib i.e. the west.  The words Mashriq,  Maghrib, Masjid etc. convey the sense of place as well as time.  Mashriq and Maghrib have been used as singulars meaning east and west (2:258), as duals ‘Mashriqain’ and ‘Maghribain’ (55:17) probably refer to the two extreme positions of the sun on 22nd December and 22nd June every year known as the winter solstice and summer solstice respectively.  The plurals Mashaariq and Maghaarib (70:40) have also been used. The earth is continuously rotating therefore every moment at some place or the other on the earth, the sun appears to be either rising or setting, giving rise to innumerable places and times of sun rise and sun set.  This phenomena refers to the whole earth.  Even if we consider a single place on earth say Hyderabad in India, the place and time of sun rise and sun set change daily.  But on any particular day at a particular place the sun rise and sun set have always taken place at a fixed time.  On 11th October 1996 the sun rise and sun set at Hyderabad took place at 6.09 A.M. and 5.57 P.M.  Any year, whether in past or future, the sun rise and sun set at Hyderabad was/would be at the timings indicated above.  It is stated in the Quran ‘.............. Allah measures out (yuqaddiruu) the night and the day........’ (73:20).  This natural phenomena of alternation of day and night demonstrates the precision of ‘Taqdir’ i.e. destiny destined by Allah (SWT).


371. WAASI ( Omni present ) 2:115æóÇÓöÚñ ( æ Ó Ú )

         Other derivatives: Spaciousness 4:97, capacity to bear 2:286 and abundance 2:247 the opposites of which are poverty 2:236 and being straitened 65:7.

         One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is Al Waasi meaning Omni present as well as Ample-Giving 4:130 which is associated with two other Attributes, the Knowing 2:115 and the Wise 4:130.  The Omni presence of Allah (SWT) is associated with His power 2:255, knowledge 20:98, mercy 7:156, protective forgiveness 53:32 and He is expanding the universe 51:47, which is a fact discovered comparatively recently.

372. QAANITUUN (Obedient)  2:116 ÞóÇäöÊõæúäó ( Þ ä Ê )

         Other derivatives: Devout 39:9, bowing down, prostration 3:43, righteousness 16:120, 4:34, patience, truthfulness spending, seeking protective forgiveness 3:17, Muslims, Momins, humbleness, fasting, chastity, remembrance of Allah (SWT) 33:35.  The opposite sense is conveyed through polytheism 16:120.

373. BADI-‘U (Originator)   2:117ÈóÏöíúÚõ ( È Ï Ú )

         Other derivatives: Being first 46:9, invent 57:27 and originate 6:101.The Attribute of Allah (SWT) Al Badii means that He is the Originator of the material and abstract universes and the laws governing them i.e.  He it is Who brings things and affairs into existence from nothingness then proportions them as Al Khaaliq, purifies them as Al Baari and gives them the desired final shape as Al Musawwir 59:24.

374. QAZAA (He decrees)  2:117ÞóÖóÇ ( Þ Ö ì )

         Other derivatives: Decide 33:36, judge 40:20, settle 10:19 issue an ordinance 41:12, fulfil 28:29, complete 2:200 finish 4:103, kill (finish) 28:15, 43:77, do something 80:23 etc.

375. QAWM (People) 2:118Þóæúãò ( Þ æ ã )


376. AL JAHIIM (The hell fire)  2:119ÇóáúÌóÍöíúãö ( Ì Í ã )

         The opponents of Ibrahiim (PBH) said, “.......... put him into Jahiim” 37:97.  Elsewhere 21:69 Allah (SWT) ordered “O fire! be cool and a source of peace for Ibrahiim” This indicates that the Jahiim mentioned at many places in the Quran means hell fire with which the word of kindling is also associated 81:12.

377. RAZI  ( Pleased )  2:120ÑóÖöìó ( Ñ Ö ì )

         Other derivatives: Choosing 5:3, agreement 2:233, pleasure of Allah (SWT) 9:21 the opposites of which are grief 33:51 and refusal 9:8.

378. MILLAT ( Religious Community ) 2:120ãöáøóÊñ ( ã á á )

         Few derivatives of these alphabets convey the sense of dictation 2:282, therefore a ‘Millat’ would be a community 38:7 following some religious dictates 12:37 like the religion dictated by Ibrahhiim (PBH) 2:130.

379. FA-ATAMMAHUNN (So He fulfilled them)  2:124  ÝóÇóÊóãøóåõäøó ( Ê ã ã )

Other derivatives: Completing 2:187 and perfecting 61:8.

 380. ZURRIYYAH(Off Spring) 2:124ÐõÑöíøóÉñ ( Ð Ñ Ñ )

         The word zarrah 4:40 means a particle.  Children and descendants are created from sperm and egg and their associated genes, which can be regarded as particles.  Is it due to this reason that some derivatives of these alphabets have been translated as children 2:266 and descendants 19:58

         It is stated in the Quran that Allah (SWT) had taken out their descendants from the backs of children (i.e.progeny) of Adam (PBH) and made them bear witness that He was their Fosterer 7:172-174.  Were these ‘descendants’ translation of the word ‘zurriyyat’ some specific ‘genes of faith’?


381. YANAALU (Include) 2:124 íóäóÇáõ ( ä æ á )

 Other derivatives: Reach 5:94, attain 3:92, bestow 7:49, receive 9:120 etc.

382. AL BAYT (The House) 2:125ÇóáúÈóíúÊó ( È ì Ê )

         Other derivatives: Spending the night (in discussing secrets) 4:81.  Houses 24:61 are places where people not only rest but also discuss or are involved in secrets.  Allah (SWT) calls Kaaba 5:97 ‘My house’ 22:26, mosques 24:36 are also called houses and there are some people who spend the night in prostrating and standing before Allah (SWT) 25:64.  In view of all this it appears that the Kaaba and mosques are not only places for ritualistic worship but also for secrecy with Allah (SWT).

383. IBRAAHIM, ISMAAIIL AND ISHAAQ (PBT) 2:125  ÇöÈúÑóÇåöíúãó ÇöÓúãóÇÚöíúáó æó ÇöÓúÍóÇÞó

         1. Leaves home in the name of Allah: Ibrahim (PBH) as the messenger of Allah appears to have first preached his father against idol worship.  He argued with him that he (i.e. his father) was worshipping idols which neither hear nor see nor are capable of helping him in anyway.  He told him that worshipping idols and thereby serving the devil who was disobedient to Allah, was a punishable act.  In reply to this his father threatened him that he would stone him if he did not stop his mission against idol worship and finally ordered him to go away from him.  Even then Ibrahim (PBH) consoled him that he would pray to his Fosterer for forgiving him and withdrew from that which they worshipped besides Allah (6:74, 19:41-48).

         The lesson we learn from this is that guidance to the right path does not depend on relationship, even the father of Ibrahim (PBH) was an idol worshipper, a polytheist.  It is Allah Who guides whom He wills towards the right path (2:213).

         2. He reflects on the creation in search of the Creator:  Ibrahim (PBH) wanted to know, Who his Sustainer, Cherisher, Fosterer was, therefore Allah (SWT) diverted his attention towards the heavenly bodies and made him reflect on the creation and then come to some conclusion.  In this process he first saw a planet (probably venus which appears at the very start of night and is next in brightness only to the moon), but when the planet disappeared he remarked, ‘I do not love those who set’.  He next reflected on the moon then on the sun, the biggest heavenly body seen with the naked eye but these two heavenly bodies also disappeared.  These heavenly bodies too must have been objects of worship therefore he remarked, “O my people! I am free from that which you associate as partners (with Allah).  I turn my attention towards Him Who initiated the creation of the skies and the earth, being upright, and I am not of the polytheists, (6:75-82).  Here there is a hint that Allah (SWT) existence and powers could be recognized through his creation.

         3. He breaks Idols : To teach a lesson to idol worshippers and to make them realize how helpless the idols were, he broke all the idols except the biggest one, in their absence.  When they returned and asked as to who had done this to their idols, he said that the biggest of them had done it and requested them to ask the idols themselves.  They accepted that idols could not speak. He thus tried to convince them that besides Allah they were worshipping things which could not even protect themselves, leave alone their benefiting or harming others.  Inspite of getting convinced they were adamant and tried to burn him in the fire but Allah (SWT) saved him. (21:51-70).  Following wrong practices and traditions of fore fathers sometimes makes people blind to reason and logic and leads them to hell.

         4. He argues with the king : Ibrahim (PBH) defeated the king of his time in argument which was another daring act.  The king, considering himself to be the ultimate authority had said that he could let a person live or cause him to die.  Ibrahim (PBH) in reply challenged that Allah (SWT) causes the sun to rise in the east let him cause it to rise in the west. (2:258). This shows that one should dare to argue in the cause of Allah (SWT), basing his argument on reason and logic, even with people in power, if they are wrong.

         5. He performs an experiment : Belief in anything becomes strong if one is satisfied.  Ibrahim (PBH) therefore asked Allah (SWT) to show him how He would raise the dead to life.  Allah (SWT) too satisfied him by ordering him to perform an experiment: ‘Take four birds, tame them to come to you when you call them, then place on every mountain a portion from them and call them, they will come to you......’ (2:260).  As birds are tamed, every particle in the whole creation is tamed to obey the orders of Allah (SWT).  On the day of resurrection  at the command of Allah (SWT), all the particles of which a person was composed in the life of this world, would assemble to resurrect the same person.  This was probably what Allah (SWT) wanted to impress on the mind of Ibrahim (PBH).

         6.He leaves wife and child at Kaaba : For the establishment of worship (salat) he left his wife Hajira and child Ismael (PBH) in the premises of Kaaba where there was no food, in the absence of any cultivation.  He just depended on Allah (SWT) for providing them with fruits, for which he prayed to Him. 14:37. Another sacrifice of leaving his wife and small child alone just for the service of Allah (SWT).

         7. Construction of Kaaba : Ibrahim and Ismael (PBT) were ordered to clean the Kaaba for worshippers of Allah (SWT). This indicates that Ibrahim and Ismael (PBT) first had to remove some unclean or unwanted things from the premises of the Kaaba and then raise the foundations of the building.  The place where Ibrahim (PBH) stood was appointed as a place for offering salat.  While raising the walls of Kaaba Ibrahim and Ismael (PBT) were praying to Allah (SWT) for accepting this service of theirs inspite of the fact that they were ordered by Allah (SWT) to construct the building of Kaaba.  This shows that while obeying the orders of Allah (SWT) we too should pray to Him for acceptance of our good deeds, because if our effort is not accepted as good by Allah (SWT) then it is fruitless and a waste.  Ibrahim (PBH) also prayed to Allah (SWT) for raising a messenger from the local people i.e. the progeny of Ismael (PBH), his prayer was accepted and Muhammed (PBH) was raised as His last messenger with the final message i.e. the Quran (2:125-129).

         8. Sacrifice of Ismael:When Ibrahhim (PBH) was instructed in his dream by Allah (SWT) to sacrifice his son Ismael (PBH) both obeyed the order.  But when Ismael was laid down for sacrifice Allah (SWT) saved him from being slaughtered and in his place a sheep was sacrificed.

         This occasion is remembered every year when we celebrate Idd uz Zuha (37:102-109) If Ismael (PBH) had been sacrificed, it was possible that sacrificing a son instead of a sheep would have become incumbent on all Muslims.  We celebrate Idd uz Zuha because instead of a son a sheep is sacrificed and its really an occasion to be celebrated.  What a trial it must have been for Ibrahim and Ismael (PBT), but both were declared successful.  We should really be grateful to Allah for saving us from such a severe test.

         9. Birth of Ishaq (PBH).  Ibrahim (PBH) was given the good news of the birth of Ishaq (PBH) as a son along with the birth of Yaqoob (PBH) as a grandson (11:71-72).  This clearly indicated that the son whose sacrifice was ordered was Ismael (PBH) and not Ishaq (PBH), because Ishaq (PBH) was to live get married and give birth to Yaqoob (PBH) his son.  How could Ishaq (PBH) do all this if he had been sacrificed because Ibrahim (PBH) did not know before the sacrifice that his son would be saved, he was prepared to sacrifice his son in all good faith.  If the son to be sacrificed was Ishaq (PBH) and not Ismael (PBH) then Ibrahim (PBH) would have got confused that on one hand Ishaq (PBH) was to give birth to Yaqoob (PBH) and on the other hand Allah (SWT) is asking him to sacrifice him in childhood itself.  This clearly proves that Ismael (PBH) was involved in the sacrifice and this event took place around Kaaba.  Sacrifice of animals and stoning the devils during the Hajj add further support to this fact.

         10. Allah (SWT) acknowledgment of Ibrahim’s (PBH) acts:  Ibrahim (PBH) is honoured by being called upright and a friend of Allah (SWT) (4:125).  Allah (SWT) Himself certifies that he was not a polytheist (16:120), he had a defectless heart (37:84), he was a man of strength and insight, chosen for reminding people of the life after death (38:45-47) he was good to such an extent that he was a model for the righteous to copy (60:4).

384. TAAA- IFIIN (Those who go round the Kaaba 7 times) 2:125  ØóÂÁöÝöíúäó (Ø æ Ý)

         Other derivatives: Moving about 24:58, circulating evil thoughts (from the devil) 7:201, visitation of a disaster 68:19, flood 7:133 in which there is lot of movement of wind, water etc.  The word ‘Taaa-’ifatun’ is used to mean ‘a party’ 3:69.

385. AL – AAKIFIIN Those who stay in the sacred Mosque (Kaaba)  for devotionally worshipping Allah (SWT).  2:125 ÇóáúÚóÇßöÝöíúäó ( Ú ß Ý )

          Other derivatives: Sticking devotedly to something 21:52, residing at some place 22:25, devotion 7:138, and remaining in mosques during the month of Ramadan for devotional worship of Allah (SWT), 2:187.


386. BALAD (City) 2:126ÈóáóÏðÇ ( È á Ï )

 Land 7:57.

387. AZTARRU (I will drive) 2:126ÇóÖúØóÑøõ ( Ö Ø Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Being driven to necessity 16:115, one who is distressed (driven to some necessity) 27:62.

388. AL MASIIR (The Destination)  2:126ÇóáúãóÕöíúÑ ( Õ ì Ñ )

389. AL-QAWAA-ID (The foundations) 2:127 ÇóáúÞóæóÇÚöÏó ( Þ Ú Ï )

         Other derivatives: Sitting 9:90 opposed to striving 4:95.  Sitting is a position of the body 3:121 associated with other positions of standing and lying down 3:191.  They are used to mean foundations because a building sits on it 16:26 and for elderly women 24:60 because they normally sit at home.

390. MANAASIK (Ways of devotion) 2:128ãóäóÇÓößõ ( ä Ó ß )

         Other derivatives: Devotional rites 22:67, rites of sacrifice 22:34, sacrifice 2:196 etc associated with worship 6:162.

391. AL-AZIIZ (The Mighty)  2:129ÇóáúÚóÒöíúÒõ ( Ú Ò Ò )

         Other derivatives: Pride 2:206, power and might 4:139, strength 36:14, domination 38:23, difficulty 14:19-20 etc.  The opposite sense is conveyed by the words disgrace 3:26 and weakness 63:8.

         Al Aziiz is an Attribute of Allah (SWT) meaning One Who is Powerful, Mighty, Dominating, Honoured Who also grants these things to whom He wills.  It is associated with many other Attributes : The Wise, The Knowing, The Merciful etc.

392. RAAGIB (One who forsakes) 2:130ÑóÇÛöÈñ ( Ñ Û È )

         Other derivatives: Turning one’s attention towards 94:8, preferring 9:120, hoping 21:90 desiring 4:127, seeking 9:59 etc, but when these derivatives are followed by the preposition ‘An’ they give the opposite meaning of forsaking 19:46, instead of seeking.  The hope or expectation is associated with fear 21:90.

393. ISTAFAYNAAHU (We selected him) 2:130ÇöÕúØóÝóíúäóÇåõ ( Õ Ý æ )

         Other derivatives: Choosing 43:16, clarifying 47:15 etc.  They are also used to mean rock 2:264 and the hill in the premises of Kaaba 2:158.

394. WASSAA (He enjoined) 2:132æóÕøóÇ ( æ Õ ì )

         Other derivatives: Directing 6:145, recommending 103:3 and bequest i.e. making one’s will known before death 2:180.

395.  HAZARA (It Came) 2:133 ÍóÖóÑó ( Í Ö Ñ )

           Other derivatives: Being present 4:8, presentation 81:14, facing 7:163.

396.  BA-DII (After me) 2:133ÈóÚúÏöìú ( È Ú Ï )

         Other derivatives: Being distant 9:42, distance 43:38, being away 11:95, far 11:83, besides 66:4 after 2:213, beyond 24:58.  The opposite sense is given by the word near 21:109.

397. ILAAHA (God)  2:133Çöáóåó ( Ç á å )

         The word Ilaaha is translated as ‘God’.  It is not a personal name like ‘Allah’ but the name of a status or a designation like president, chairman, king etc.  Ilaaha is the Supreme Head of the whole creation and there was, is and will be only One Ilaaha i.e. Allah (SWT) 2:163, 47:19.  If there were two or more gods or supreme authorities then there would have been disorder in the whole universe due to their fighting for achieving the ownership or control of the throne of the universe and each god would have taken away things which he had created 17:42, 23:91.  On the contrary we find perfect order in the whole universe which proves that there is only One God i.e. Allah (SWT).  Whatever is there other than Him is His creation and nothing from His creation should be considered  as ‘God’.  In fact the whole creation has been put into service of man by Allah (SWT) 45:13, therefore regarding someone other than Allah (SWT) as ‘God’ is similar to worshipping your own servants.  Is it not ridiculous?  ‘Ilaaha’ is One Who creates, He Himself is not created 112:1-4.  He can benefit or harm anyone, He controls death and life 25:3.  Nothing else can do these things.

         Things which have been wrongly considered as Ilaaha are (1) Idols 6:74, (2) Human beings 5:116, 9:31, (3) Angels and Jinn 34:40-41.  Considering any other person or thing besides Allah (SWT) as Ilaaha is an unforgivable sin 4:48.

Please see word No.334 on Shirk for add more details. 

398. AABAAA’-IKA (Your fathers) 2:133ÇóÈóÂÁößó ( Ç È æ )

         In addition to this, derivatives of these alphabets mean, father 12:78, parents 4:11 and forefathers 7:70.

399. HANIIFA (Upright) 2:135ÍóäöíúÝÇð ( Í ä Ý )

One who stands firm on that which is right 98:5.

400. AL-ASBAAT (The tribes) 2:136 ÇóáÇóÓúÈóÇØö ( Ó È Ø )

401. SHIQAAQ (Opposition)  2:137 ÔöÞóÇÞö ( Ô Þ Þ )

(See word No. 291)

402. KAFAA (Sufficient) 2:137ßóÝóÇ ( ß Ý ì )

         Derivatives of these alphabets mean sufficient 4:6 and enough 3:124.

403. SIBGAH Colour (that transforms) 2:138 ÕöÈúÛóÉð ( Õ È Û )

Curry (for eating, in which the bread is dipped) 23:20.suggesting transformation.

404. WASATA (Middle) 2:143æóÓóØðÇ ( æ Ó Ø )

         One derivative of these alphabets conveys the sense of middle (or normal salat) 2:238.  In the very next verse 2:239 offering salaat on foot or while riding is mentioned which is abnormal and opposite of normal salaat.  There is an other verse in which the derivative is used to mean normal (food which you eat) 5:89.  Other meanings communicated are midst (of an assembly) 100:5 and balanced (man) 68:28.

405. AQIBAYH (His heels) 2:143ÚóÞöÈóíúåö ( Ú Þ È )

         Other derivatives: Returning 27:10, retaliation 22:60, requite 18:44, reverse 13:41, retribute 40:5 consequence 9:77, end 3:137, final 13:22 home 13:24, follow 13:11 turn (comes) 60:11, affliction 16:126 up hill 90:11 etc.


406. YUZIIU (He wastes) 2:143íõÖöíúÚõ ( Ö ì Ú )

All derivatives convey the sense of wasting 19:59.

407. RA-‘UUF (One full of pity) 2:143ÏóÁõæúÝñ ( Ï Ç Ý )

         Other derivatives: Pity, sympathy 24:2, mercy 9:117, desire for doing good to others 9:128, granting benefits 22:65 and helping in guidance towards good 57:9 as opposed to hardship 16:7, ill feeling 59:10 distress and punishment 16:45-47.  One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is Ar Rauuf which is associated with His Attribute Merciful.  Ar Rauuf, in view of the above meanings, is someone who removes and keeps His creation safe from harm which hinders growth and this He does due to pity or sympathy because He is full of pity for His Creation.

408. SHATRA (Direction, towards)   2:144ÔóØúÑó ( Ô Ø Ñ )

409. AL MUMTARIIN (Those who doubt) 2:147ÇóáúãõãúÊóÑöíúäó ( ã Ñ ì )

         Other derivatives: Doubt 24:18 and dispute 18:22 probably because of doubt.

410. ASTABIQU (Hasten) 2:148ÇóÓúÊóÈöÞõæúÇ ( Ó È Þ )

         Other derivatives: Going forth 8:68, being ahead 79:4, advance 15:5, foremost 57:21, race 12:25, strive 36:66, compete 5:48, overcome 56:60, win 8:59, escape 29:4, happened before 20:99 precede 46:11.

411. ALJUU-I (Hunger)2:155ÇóáúÌõæúÚö ( Ì æ Ú )

It is associated with nourishment 88:7 and fear 16:112.

412. NAQS (Loss) 2:155 äóÞúÕò ( ä Þ Õ )

            Other derivatives: Reduction 50:4, something becoming less 11:84 and going back 9:4.

413. AL-AMWAAL (Wealth ) 2:155ÇóáÇóãúæóÇáö ( ã æ á )

414. ASABATHUM (Disaster) Falls on them   2:156ÇóÕóÇÈóÊúåõãú ( Õ æ È )

Other derivatives: Disaster 64:11, desire 38:36, afflict 9:120, send down (mercy) 12:56, strike 3:117, befall 4:79, (speaks) aright 78:38.

415. AS-SAFA and AL-MARWAH   2:158  ã Ñ æ ), ÇóáÕøóÝóÇ æ ÇáúãóÑúæóÉó ( Õ Ý æ

Hills in the premises of  Kaaba in Mecca.

416. JUNAAHA (Sin) 2:158ÌõäóÇÍó ( Ì ä Í )

         Other derivatives: Inclination (towards) 8:61, armpit 28:32 and wings 6:38, 17:24.

417. TAWAA ( Willingly )  2:158ØóæúÚóÇ ( Ø æ Ú )

         The opposite of which is unwillingly 3:83. Other derivatives of these alphabets convey the sense of will (i.e. desire) 5:30, obey 4:80, follow 43:54, to be able to 36:67, can 11:13, be capable of 26:211 etc.

418. AL – FULK   (Ships) 2:164 ÇóáúÝõáúßö ( Ý á ß )

Another derivative is used to mean orbit 21:33 of heavenly body.

419. BASSA (Spreading )  2:164 ÈóËøó ( È Ë Ë )

Only in one verse the meaning is distress 12:86.

420. DAAABAH (Animal)  2:164ÏóÂÈøóÉò ( Ï È È )

         Also translated as moving creature 11:56, living creature 27:82, living being etc 42:29.

421. TASRIIF ( Changing ) 2:164 ÊóÕúÑöíúÝñ ( Õ Ñ Ý )

         Derivatives: of these alphabets also mean turning away 9:127, turning 46:29, repeating 17:41.

422. AR-RIYAAHI (Winds) 2:164ÇóáÑøöíóÇÍö ( Ñ æ Í )

         Other derivatives: Mercy 12:87, journey in the evening opposed to journey in the morning 16:6, 34:12, strength 8:46, smell 12:94 fragrance 55:12, 56:89 etc.

423.  AS-SAHAAB (The Clouds)  2:164 ÇóáÓøóÍóÇÈö ( Ó Í È )

         Clouds which are associated with rain 7:57, also used to mean dragging 40:71.

424. AL MUSAKH-KHAR ( That which is subjected to serve some purpose ) 2:16

ÇóáúãõÓóÎøóÑö ( Ó Î Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Considering someone to be low in status 9:79, mocking at something 6:10,  ridicule 11:38 compelling something to follow some laws 13:2, making a jest 2:212, imposing something 69:7.  Everything in the skies and the earth is subjected by Allah (SWT) to serve mankind 31:20.

425. YUHIBBUNAHUM (They love them) 2:165íõÍöÈøõæúäóåõãú ( Í È È )

         Other derivatives: Love 49:7, being dear 9:24 etc. the opposite of which is dislike 2:216.

         Allah (SWT) loves those who do good 2:195, those who turn to Him and keep themselves clean 2:222 who guard against evil 3:76, who are patient 3:146 who put their trust in Him 3:159.  Who do justice 5:42 and those who follow prophet Muhammed (PBH) 3:31.  He does not love those who exceed the limits 2:190, those who are corrupt 2:205, infidels, sinners 2:276, who are unjust 3:57, proud, boastful 4:36, betrayers 4:107, those in whose speech there is manifest evil 4:148, those who are extravagant 6:141, those who consider themselves great 16:23 and the exultant 28:76 one derivative ‘Habban’ means ‘grain’ 36:33.

426. AL-ASBAAB ( Relations ) 2:166 ÇóáÇóÓúÈóÇÈõ ( Ó È È )

         Other derivatives: Means 22:15, ways 18:85 and abusing (i.e. speaking ill about someone) 6:108.

427. KARRAT (Return ) 2:167ßóÑøóÉð ( ß Ñ Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Turn (chance) 17:6, second chance 39:58, second time 67:4.

428. HAS-RAAT (Regrets) 2:167ÍóÓúÑóÇÊò ( Í Ó Ñ )

         Another meaning conveyed through derivatives of these alphabets is getting tired 21:19.

429. HALAALA (Lawful) 2:168ÍóáÇóáÇð ( Í á á )

         The opposite of which is forbidden 2:275.  Other derivatives of these alphabets convey the meaning of coming down 20:81, fall 39:40, let loose 11:39, alight 13:31, loose 20:27, violate 5:2 dissolution 66:2, dweller 90:2, wives 4:23 destination 2:196, place of sacrifice 22:33.

430. KHUTUWAAT (Footsteps) 2:168ÎõØõæóÇÊö ( Î Ø æ )

431. AL-FAH-SHAA-I (Indecent, Shameful) 2:169ÇóáúÝóÍúÔóÂÁö ( Ý Í Ô )

432. AL-FAYNAA (We found)   2:170ÇóáúÝóíúäóÇ ( á Ý ì )

433. YAN-IQU   ( He calls out ) 2: 171 íóäúÚöÞõ ( ä Ú Þ )

 434. NIDAA-AA ( Cry ) 2:171äöÏóÂÁð ( ä Ï æ )  

Other derivatives: Calling out 7:44, proclaiming 79:23, announcing 43:51 summoning 40:32, praying 19:3, assemblies 29:29, council 96:17 etc.

435. LAHM ( Flesh ) 2:173 áóÍúãñ ( á Í ã )

436. AL-KHINZIIR (Swine) 2:173 ÇóáúÎöäúÒöíúÑõ ( Î ä Ò Ñ )

437. U-HILLA (Invoked)  2:713Çõåöáøó ( å á á )

                     ‘Invoking some name at the time of slaughtering an animal’.  The word ‘Al Ahillah’ means new moons 2:189.

438. BUTUUNIHIM (Their Stomachs )  2:174ÈõØõæúäöåöãú ( È Ø ä )

         Other derivatives: Inside opposed to outside 57:13, internal opposed to external 31:20, manifest opposed to hidden 6:151, interior 48:24, stomach as bottom 24:45, stomach internal 16:66, womb 16:78, intimacy i.e. sharing hidden secrets 3:118, shinning from inside 55:54 One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is ‘Al Baatin’ meaning The Hidden or The Inner Most 57:3.

439. AR-RIQAAB (Captives) 2:177ÇóáÑøöÞóÇÈö ( Ñ Þ È )

         Other derivatives: Slave 4:92, neck 47:4, waiting 20:94, having regard 9:8, vigilance or watchfulness 28:18, 50:18.

         One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is ‘Ar Raqiib’ meaning ‘The vigilant’ 33:52.  He is always vigilant over everything, everywhere as a Master over His slaves.

440. ALQISAAS (Retaliation) 2:178ÇóáúÞöÕóÇÕõ ( Þ Õ Õ )

         Other derivatives: Narration 28:25, mention 4:164 follow 28:11, retrace18:64.


441. AL-HURRU Free man (not a slave) 2:178ÇóáúÍõÑøõ ( Í Ñ Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Setting something free 4:92, silk 22:23, heat 9:81 the opposite of which is shade 35:21.

442. AL-UNSAA Female (women)  2:178 ÇóáÇõäúËóÇ ( Ç ä Ë )

The opposite of which is male 53:45.

443. AL-AKHU (Brother)  2:178ÇóáÃóÎõ ( Ç Î æ )

Also used to mean sister 4:23.

444. ADAAA-U (Payment ) 2:178ÇóÏóÂÁñ ( Ç Ï ì/ æ )

         Other derivatives: Returning 4:58, payback 3:75 deliver (given back) 2:283 etc.

445. UILIL AL- ALBAAB (Those who understand) 2:179  ÃõæúáöìÇáúÈóÇÈö ( á È È )

         These are the persons who always remember Allah (SWT), reflect on His creation, admire it and pray to Him 3:190-194.

446. JANAFAA (Unjust )  2:182ÌóäóÝðÇ ( Ì ä Ý )

Inclining towards 5:3.

447. AS-SIYAAM (Fasting )   2:183ÇóáÕøöíóÇãõ ( Õ æ ã )

         This word conveys the sense of restraining from something, in the case of Maryam (PBH) restraining from talking 19:26.  The qualities that are associated with one who fasts are being a Muslim, a Momin, obedient, truthful, patient, humble, charitable, chaste those who remember Allah (SWT) much 33:35.

448. SAFAR ( Journey )  2:184ÓóÝóÑò ( Ó Ý Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Writers 80:15 books 62:5, brightness 80:38, shining 74:34.

449. YUTIIQUUNAHU ( They do it’ with hardship ) 2:184  íõØöíúÞõæúäóåõ ( Ø æ Þ )

         Other derivatives: Possessing power less than the opponent 2:249, strength insufficient to bear the burden 2:286, collar whose weight will be difficult to bear 3:180 because this would be the punishment for hoarding.

450. SHAHR (Month ) 2:185ÔóåóÑó ( Ô å Ñ )

451. RAMAZAAN ( The month of Ramadan ) 2:185 ÑóãóÖóÇäñ ( Ñ ã Ö )

452. AL QURAAN ( The Holy Quran )  2:185ÇóáúÞõÑóÂäõ ( Þ Ñ Ç Á )

         It is stated in the Quran ‘And when the Quran is recited listen to it and be silient...............’ 7:204.  We can listen to something only when it is read or recited aloud.

         Derivatives of these alphabets thus convey the meaning of reading or reciting in a voice which could be heard, compared to this ‘Tilaawath’ 2:121 means reading which need not be in a loud voice. [See word No. 2:188]

         The Author of the Quran is Allah (SWT) 27:6 and no one else can produce such a book 2:23-24, 10:37, 11;13, 17:88, 52:33-34.  The Quran is preserved in a book that is protected 56:77-80 ‘Kitaabim-maknuun’ also known as Low him Mahfuuz’ 85:21-22. It was sent down by Allah (SWT) through Jibriil (PBH) on the heart of prophet Muhammed (PBH) 26:192-196, 47:2, 42:52. 28:86-87, 29:48, 6:19, 2:151.

         The revelation started during the night of Al Qadr 97:1 which is a blessed night 44:2-3 in the month of Ramadan 2:185.  The original language of the Quran was Arabic 43:3.  It was revealed gradually after intervals 17:106, it was not sent down all at once 25:32.  Had the Quran been sent down on a mountain, it would have split asunder due to the fear of Allah (SWT) 59:21.  This appears to be the reason why the Quran was not sent down on the heart of prophet Muhammed (PBH) in one single installment but was sent down in small portions during a long span of 23 years.

         The Holy Quran is also known as Zikr-il-Hakiim 3:58, Kitaab-il-Hakiim 10:1, Kitaab-il-Mubiin 12:1, Quran-im-Mubiin 15:1, Quran-il-Aziim 15:87, Zikr-um-Mubaarak 21:50, Quran-il-Hakiim 36:2, Quran-i-ziz-zikr 38:1 Kitaabum Aziiz 41:41, Quraan-il-Majiid 50:1, Quraan-un Kariim 56:77.

         The Holy Quran has been protected by Allah (SWT) therefore falsehood cannot enter it 15:9, 18:27, 41:42, 75:16-19, 87:6-7.  The Holy Quran is taught by Allah (SWT) 55:1-2 and He has explained everything relevant to us, through it 16:89, 12:111, 39:27-28.  It is also called light 4:175 because it shows the straight path leading to paradise.  The Holy Quran contains only truth 32:2-3 and there is nothing doubtful in it 2:2 It confirms that before it there were other Divine books 4:47, 5:48.

         The aims behind the revelation of the Holy Quran are : (1) Guidance of human beings 2:185 (2) bringing them out from darkness into light 14:1 (3) to make clear to mankind many things 16:44 (4) to settle differences 16:64 (5) for judgment of disputes 4:105 (6) to serve as a reminder 7:2 (7) to warn 6:19 (8) to serve as a source of admonition 2:231 (9) a source of good news to the believers 18:1-3 (10) for reflection over its subjects 38:29 etc.

         The Holy Quran is a reminder to the whole of humanity 12:104.  The devils have been kept away from even hearing it 26:210-212.  The Holy Quran is easy to communicate 19:97, 44:58 and remember 54:17.  It is not self contradictory 4:82.  The believers are required to believe in the Holy Quran 4:136.  For believers it is a guide, mercy and a healing 10:57, 17:82.  The sign of belief is that when it is read before believers it increases their faith 8:2 and they are not deaf and blind to it 25:73 but fall down prostrate glorifying and praising Allah (SWT) 32:15.

         Islam should be propagated through the Quran 50:45, 6:19, 5:67 one should not hide anything that is in it 2:174.  The Holy Quran is to be implemented practically 6:155.  Believers are ordered not to sit in the company which rejects or mocks at the Holy Quran till they shift over to some other topic 4:140, 6:68.  The Quran is not to be divided into parts 15:90-91.

         The messenger (PBH) of Allah (SWT) will complain to Allah (SWT) that his people had forsaken the Quran 25:30.  The protection of Allah (SWT) from the devil should be sought  before reading the Quran 16:98 then it should be recited in His name 96:1.

         We are ordered to read the Quran 18:27 gradually 73:4 as much as it is easy to 73:20 The Holy Quran is to be listened to in silence 7:204 with reflection 47:24 Recitation at dawn is witnessed 17:78 There is peace of mind and heart in the remembrance of Allah (SWT) 13:28.  The Jinn too had heard the Quran 72:1.

453. AL YUSR  (Easy) 2:185ÇóáúíõÓúÑó ( ì Ó Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Ease and facility 92:7 which are opposite of difficulty 94:5.  One derivative is used to mean games of chance 2:219 probably due to the ease with which money is lost or gained.

454. AL-USRA (Hardship) 2:185ÇóáúÚõÓúÑó ( Ú Ó Ñ )

         Also difficulty 65:6 the opposite of which is ease 65:7.

455. KAAMIL (Complete) 2:185ßóÇãöá ( ß ã á )

         Derivatives of these alphabets convey the meanings of completion 2:233, full 16:25, perfection 5:3 etc.

456. UJIIBU (I respond) 2:186ÇõÌöíúÈõ ( Ì æ È )

         Other derivatives: Answering 7:82, responding to an invitation 46:31 acceptance 42:16 etc.  One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is ‘Al Mujiib’ meaning ‘One Who responds’, associated with nearness 11:61.

         One of the derivatives conveys the meaning of cutting 89:9.

457. YARSHUDUUN (They are led aright) 2:186íóÑúÔõÏõæúäó ( Ñ Ô Ï )

         Other derivatives: Right 72:2 or correct 4:6, the opposite of which is wrong 72:21, incorrect 2:256, and evil 72:10.  One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is ‘Ar Rashiid’ meaning One Who guides to the right way.

458. AR-RAFAS (Approaching Wives ) 2:187ÇóáÑøžóÝóËõ ( Ñ Ý Ë )

459. TAKHTAANUUN (You were betraying )  2:187  ÊóÎúÊóÇäõæúäó ( Î æ ä )

         All derivatives convey the sense of betrayal 8:58.

460. AL-KHAYT (Thread)  2:187ÇóáúÎóíúØõ ( Î ì Ø )

Also means needle 7:40.


461. AL-ABYAZ (White) 2:187ÇóáÇóÈúíóÖõ ( È ì  Ö )

         One derivate has been used to mean ‘Egg’ 35:27 probably due to white colour of many eggs.

462. AL-ASWAD ( Black )  2:187 ÇóáÇóÓúæóÏö ( Ó æ Ï )

463. HUDUUD (Limits)  2:187ÍõÏõæúÏõ ( Í Ï Ï )

         Other derivatives: Resistance 58:22, opposition 9:63, iron 57:25, sharpness 33:19 etc.

464. TUDLU Present (bribes to judges making them come down to your side) 2:188

ÊõÏúáõæúÇ ( Ï á æ )

         Other derivatives: Coming down 53:8, cause to fall 7:22 (to a lower status), let down something 12:19.

465. MAWAAQIIT (Times)  2:189ãóæóÇÞöíúÊõ ( æ Þ Ê )

           Other derivatives: Fixed time 78:17, appointed term 44:40 etc.

466. QAATILUU (Fight)   2:190 ÞóÇÊöáõæúÇ ( Þ Ê á )

         At few places sense of destruction is conveyed 9:30.

467. SAQIFTUMUUHUM (You find them )  2:191  ËóÞöÝúÊõãõæúåõãú ( Ë Þ Ý )

         Derivatives of these alphabets also convey the sense of domination 8:57, find 3:112 etc.

468. INTAHAW (Desist)  2:192ÇöäúÊóåóæúÇ ( ä å ì )

         Other derivatives: Restraining 79:40, withholding 59:7, forbidding 7:20 keeping away 29:45, stopping 96:15, sense (understanding) 20:54, farthest 53:14 ultimate goal 53:42, ultimate time 79:44.

469. AT-TAHLUKAH (Destruction)  2:195ÇóáÊøóåúáõßóÉö ( å á ß )

         Other derivatives: Something going away 69:29, death 40:34, perishing 8:42 etc.  Everything will perish except Allah (SWT) 28:88.

470. UHSIRTUM (You are prevented)  2:196ÇõÍúÕöÑúÊõãú ( Í Õ Ñ )

                     Other derivatives: Stopping 4:90, imprisonment 9:5, confine 2:273, chastity 3:39.


471. TAHLIQUU (You shave)  2:196ÊóÍúáöÞõæúÇ ( Í á Þ )

472. RU-UUSAKUM (Your heads ) 2:196ÑõÁõæúÓóßõãú ( Ñ Ç Ó )

         Also used to mean principal (i.e. the amount lent, without interest) 2:279.

473. YABLUGA (It reaches)  2:196íóÈúáõÛó ( È á Û )

         Derivatives of these alphabets convey the sense of reaching 2:235, conveying 5:67, fulfilling 65:3, maturity 54:5, extension 68:39, message 21:106.

474. AZA (Ailment)  2:196ÇóÐðì ( Ç Ð ì )

         Other derivatives: Harm 14:12, punishment 4:16, annoyance 33:69 etc.

475. FARZAA (He makes incumbent)  2:197ÝóÑóÖó ( Ý Ñ Ö )

         Other derivatives: Ordain 28:85, appoint 33:38, settlement 2:237, allot 4:7, duty 9:60.

476. JIDAAL ( Disputing )  2:197ÌöÏóÇáó ( Ì Ï á )

Also means pleading 4:109.

477. AZ-ZAAD (Provision) 2:197 ÇóáÒøóÇÏö ( Ò æ Ï )

478. AFAZTUM (You hasten) 2:198ÇóÝóÖúÊõãú ( Ý ì Ö )

         Other derivatives: Overflowing (of tears) 5:83, pouring out 7:50, being engaged in something 10:61.  Utterrance 46:8, talk in which one gets indulged 24:14 etc.

479. NASIIB (Portion)  2:202äóÕöíúÈñ ( ä Õ È )

         Other derivatives: Striving 94:7, toil 38:41, fatigue 9:120, weary 88:3, rooted (mountains) 88:19, goal 70:43 stones (associated with idols) 5:3.

480. SARII-U (Quick) 2:202ÓóÑöíúÚõ ( Ó Ñ Ú )

         Other derivatives: Hastening 23:56, fast 50:44, swift 6:62 etc.

481. AL-HISAAB (Account )   2:202ÇóáúÍöÓóÇ Èõ ( Í Ó È )

         Other derivatives: Thinking, expecting 29:2, supposing 24:39, considering 3:169, imagining 59:2, measure 2:212, keeping an account 6:96, calculating 55:5, accountability 2:284, sufficient 2:206, enough 5:104 and thunderbolt 18:40. Allah (SWT) takes account of everything 4:86 and He is Quick at settling the account 2:202 He is sufficient for helping 65:3.  One of His Attributes is Al Hasiib meaning One Who keeps an account and also One Who is sufficient for help.

482. TUHSHARUUN (You will be gathered ) 2:203  ÊóÍúÔõÑõæúäó ( Í Ô Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Gathering together 6:22, in one case they have been used to mean raise 20:125.

483. YU’JIBUKA  ( Makes you wonder )   2:204íõÚúÌöÈõßó ( Ú Ì È )

           Derivatives of these alphabets convey the meanings of being wonderful 18:63 and pleasing 2:221.

484. ALADDU (Most rigid) 2:204ÇóáóÏøõ ( á Ï Ï )

Quarrelsome 19:97

485. AL KHISAMI (Opposition) 2:204 ÇóáúÎöÕóÇãö ( Î Õ ã )  

         Derivatives of these alphabets also convey the sense of dispute 22:19 and tussle 36:49.


486. AN-NASL (Cattle) 2:205ÇóáäøóÓúáó ( ä Ó á )

         Other derivatives: Progeny 32:8, rush forth 36:51, set free or fall 21:96.

487. AL-MIHAAD (Habitation )   2:206ÇóáúãöåóÇÏõ ( ã å Ï )

Derivatives of these alphabets are also used to mean a cradle 3:46 and a bed 7:41 where one settles down.

488. KAAAFFAHN (Completely or Totally)  2:208  ßóÂÝøóÉð ( ß Ý Ý )

            Other derivatives: All 34:28, all together, 9:36 holding back 5:11, restraining 4:84, stopping 21:39 and hands 13:14.

489. ZUYYINA (Made glamorous)  2:212Òõíøöäó ( Ò ì ä )

         Other derivatives: Adornment 37:6 ornaments 20:87, pomp 57:20, something fair seeming 6:43, beauty 24:31, beautiful 49:7.

490. KURH (Dislike)  2:216ßõÑúåñ ( ß Ñ å )

         Other derivatives: Hatred 23:70, unwillingness the opposite of which is willingness 3:83, compulsion 2:256, force 4:19, hardship 46:15 etc.

491. SHARR ( Bad ) 2:216ÔóÑøñ ( Ô Ñ Ñ )

         The opposite of which is good and better 3:180. Other meanings these derivatives convey are worse 5:60, evil 10:11, harmful 17:83 etc. One of the derivatives means sparks 77:32.

492. SADD (Turning away ) 2:217ÕóÏøñ ( Õ Ï Ï )

         Derivatives of these alphabets convey the sense of hindering 27:43, ignoring 4:61, raising a hue and cry 43:57, boiling 14:16.

493. YAZAALUUN (Cease) 2:217íóÒóÇáõæúäó ( Ò æ á/ Ò ì á )

         Few derivatives of these alphabets have been used to mean separation 10:28.

494. HA-BITAT ( Fruitless ) 2:217 ÍóÈöØóÊú ( Í È Ø )

495. HAAJARUU (They Migrated)  2:218 ÍóÇÌóÑõæúÇ ( å Ì Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Going away 19:46, keeping away 73:10, leaving 4:34, forsaking 74:5, migration 59:9. At one place the derivative means story telling and shameful talk 23:67.


496. JAAHIDUU (They strove)  2:218ÌóÇåöÏõæúÇ ( Ì å Ï )

         Other derivatives: Struggling in the way of Allah 9:19, striving with wealth and personal efforts 9:41 against the infidels and hypocrites 9:73, the opposite of which is sitting at home not striving in the path of Allah (SWT) 4:95. This striving is associated with migration 8:72, patience 3:142 and belief 9:19. One derivative is used to mean strong (oath) 5:53.

497. YARJUUN (They hope)  2:218íóÑúÌõæúäó ( Ñ Ì æ )

         Other derivatives: Expectation 28:86, differ (to invite), opposite of inviting 33:51 and sides 69:17.

498. AL KHAMR ( Intoxicants ) 2:219ÇóáúÎóãúÑö ( Î ã Ñ )

         One derivative of these alphabets is used to mean ‘head cover used by women which completely covers them’ 24:31. It is probably used to mean wine 47:15 because that also influences a person from head to foot. Intoxicants are associated with games of chance and are prohibited 5:90-91.

499. TATAFAKKARUUN (You reflect) 2:219ÊóÊóÝóßøóÑõæúäó ( Ý ß Ñ )

         Reflection on the creation is associated with the remembrance of Allah (SWT) 3:191.

500. TUKHAALITUUHUM [ You mingle ( your affair ) with them ] 2:220

ÊõÎóÇáöØõæúåõãú ( Î á Ø )

         Other derivatives: Mixing 9:102 and partners 38:24 (who mix their affairs).

501. A-‘NATAKUM (Over burdened you ) 2:220 ÇóÚúäóÊóßõãú ( Ú ä Ê )

Other derivatives: Distress 3:118 and difficulty 49:7.

502. TANKIHU (You marry) 2:221ÊóäúßöÍõæúÇ ( ä ß Í )

503. AMATUN (Slave girl) 2:221 ÇóãóÉñ ( Ç ã æ )

504. AL MAHIIZ ( Menstruation )   2:222ÇóáúãóÍöíúÖõ ( Í ì Ö )

505. A’TAZILUU (Keep aloof) 2:222 ÇóÚúÊóÒöáõæúÇ ( Ú Ò á )

         Other derivatives: Removing far away 26:212, separating 11:42, setting aside 33:51, withdrawing 18:16 etc.


506. AYMAANIKUM (Your oaths ) 2:224 ÇóíúãóÇäößõãú ( ì ã ä )

           Other derivatives: Right as opposed to left 16:48, right hand 20:17, slaves 16:71, 33:52.

507. AL-LAGWI ( That which is vain ) 2:225 ÇóáøóÛúæö ( á Û æ )

            Other derivatives: Vain or useless talk 28:55, 78:35, making noise 41:26

508. HALIIM (Clement) 2:225 Íóáöíúãñ ( Í á ã )

         Other derivatives: Clemency i.e. forbearance, leniency, kindness tolerance etc 2:225, 3:155, 35: 41.  They also convey the meanings of understanding 52:32, puberty 24:59, dreams 12:44 etc.

         One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is Al Haliim ‘The Clement’ associated with protective forgiveness 2:225, independence 2:263, knowledge 4:12 and acknowledgment 64:17.  Allah (SWT) is kind, tolerant, patient, forbearing and gives time for amendment although He has full power to punish His servants because He is ‘The Clement’.

509. YUULUNA Those who swear to be away (from their wives) 2:226   íõæúáõæúäó ( Ç á æ )

         Other derivatives: Spare 3:118, bounties 7:69, 55:13.

510. TARABBUSU ( They should wait ) 2:226 ÊóÑóÈøõÕõ ( Ñ È Õ )

Other derivatives: Hesitate 57:14 and bear with 23:25.

511. FAAA-U (Go back)  2:226ÝóÂÁõæú ( Ý ì Á )

         Other derivatives: Returning 49:9, giving 33:50, taking 59:6.

512. AZAMUU ( They resolve )   2:227ÚóÒóãõæúÇ ( Ú Ò ã )

         Other derivatives: Determination 20:115, deciding factor 31:17 etc.

513. AT TALAAQ (Divorce )  2:227ÇóáØøóáÇÞõ ( Ø á Þ )

         Other derivatives: Going away 38:6, proceeding 18:77, fluency 26:13 etc.

514. QURUUU ( Menstrual courses )  2:228 ÞõÑõæúÁò ( Þ Ñ æ )

 515. BU’UULATUHUNNA (Their husbands) 2:228  ÈõÚõæúáóÊõåõäøó ( È Ú á )

         One derivative of these alphabets is used for the name of false sun god 37:125.


516. ARRIJAL ( Men ) 2:228ÇóáÑøöÌóÇáö ( Ñ Ì á )

         Other derivatives: Walking 2:239, foot 38:42 and person from among human beings and the jinn 72:6.

517. DARAJAH ( Degree )  2:228ÏóÑóÌóÉð ( Ï Ñ Ì )

         Other derivatives: Ranks 4:95, grades 9:20, gradual 7:182 etc.

518. MARRATAAN (‘Twice’ i.e. two times )  2:229  ãóÑøóÊóÇäö ( ã Ñ Ñ )

         Other derivatives: First time 6:94 (every) time 8:56, repeat 54:2, pass 2:259, move 7:189 and vigour 53:6.

519. IMSAAK (Retain)  2:229ÇöãúÓóÇßñ ( ã Ó ß )

         Other derivatives: Withhold 67: 21 opposite open 35:2 hold back opposite of spending 17:100 hold together opposite of separate 35:41, retain opposite of letting them go 2:231, catch 5:4, hold fast 7:170, catch hold of 2:256, hold 16:79, and musk 83:26.

520. TASRIIH ( Let them go ) 2:229 ÊóÓúÑöíúÍñ ( Ó Ñ Í )

         Other derivatives: Going away 33:28, taking out 16:6, etc.

521. AJALAHUNNA (Their term )  2:231ÇóÌóáóåõäøó ( Ç Ì á )

         Other derivatives: ‘Term’, in one case the meaning is timing 77:12, and in another, reasoning 5:32.

522. TA-ZULUUHUNNA ( Prevent them ) 2:232ÊóÚúÖõáõæúåõäøó ( Ú Ö á )

 Also means withhold 4:19.

523. YURZI-NA (They shall suckle )  2:233 íõÑúÖöÚúäó ( Ñ Ö Ú )

524. KISWATUHUNNA ( Their clothing)  2:233  ßöÓúæóÊõåõäøó ( ß Ó æ )

525. TUKALLAFU (Burdened)  2:233ÊõßóáøóÝõ ( ß á Ý )

         Other derivatives: Responsibility 4:84, pretend 38:86, task 6:152.


 526. AL-WAARIS (Heir)   2:233ÇóáúæóÇÑöËõ ( æ Ñ Ë )

         Derivatives of these alphabets convey the sense of inheritance 4:11 and heritage 3:180.

527. FISAALA (‘Wean’ i.e. stopping mother’s milk) 2:233  ÝöÕóÇáÇð ( Ý Õ á )

         Other derivatives: Departure 2:249, separation 37:21, judgement 22:17, decision 44:40, explanation 12:111, detail 6:126, detailed explanation 30:28 family 70:13.

528. TASHAAWUR (Mutual agreement and consultation)  2:233  ÊóÔóÇæõÑò ( Ô æ Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Counseling 42:38 and pointing out 19:29.

529. YAZARUUNA (They leave behind)  2:234íóÐóÑõæúäó ( æ Ð Ñ )

         Derivatives of these alphabets convey the meanings of leaving 7:127, sparing 74:28, neglecting 75:21 allowing 48:15 etc.

530. KHABIIR ( One Who is informed )  2:234ÎóÈöíúÑñ ( Î È Ñ )

         Other derivatives: News (of past) 9:94, (present) 18:91 and (future) 35:14.  One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is Al Khabiir meaning ‘The Informed’ associated with wisdom 6:18, knowledge 31:34, vision 35:31 and subtlety 6:103.  He is informed of all our deeds 2:234, 27:88 and works 24:30, past, present and future.


531. KHITBAH ( Speaking ) 2:235ÎöØúÈóÉö ( Î Ø È )

         Other derivatives: Addressing 25:63, affair 20:95, business 15:57, matter 28:23 etc.

532. UQDAH Tie (of marriage)  2:235ÚõÞúÏóÉñ ( Ú Þ Ï )

Other derivatives: Knot 20:27 and obligations 5:1.

533. AKNANTUM (You hide)  2:235ÇóßúäóäúÊõãú ( ß ä ä )

         Other derivatives: Something hidden opposite of making public 27:74, place of refuge (for hiding or protection) 16:81, protection 56:78, veil 6:25, covering 17:46.

534. AL-MUQTIR (The straitened i.e. the poor the opposite of which is rich) 2:236

 ÇóáúãõÞöÊöÑö ( Þ Ê Ñ )

         Other derivatives of these alphabets convey the sense of niggardliness opposite to extravagance 25:67 and darkness associated with disgrace 10:26.

535. HAAFIZUU (Be guardians) 2:238 ÍóÇÝöÙõæúÇ ( Í Ý Ù )

         Other derivatives: Guarding against something 24:31, protecting and taking care of something 12:12, being a custodian or an incharge 12:55, monitoring, keeping an eye on to implement or regulate something 5:44, 6:92, 2:255.

         One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is ‘Al Hafiiz’ i.e. One Who guards and protects from harmful things, takes care and monitors everything, everywhere and every moment - The Custodian - The Protector - The Monitor.


536. RUKBAANAA (Riding)  2:239ÑõßúÈóÇäÇð ( Ñ ß È )

         Other derivatives: Embarking 18:71, being carried 84:19, riding camel 59:6, carvan 8:42 piling up one above the other 6:99 and to constitute something 82:8.

537. QARZA ( Loan) 2:245ÞóÑúÖðÇ ( Þ Ñ Ö )

         Other derivatives: Loan except in one verse where it is used to mean ‘go past something 18:17.

538. AZAAFA (Multiply) 2:245ÇóÖúÚóÇÝðÇ ( Ö Ú Ý )

         Other derivatives: Multiplying 2:261, doubling 57:11 and weakness opposite of which is strength 30:54.


539. YAQBIZU   ( ‘He straitens’ the opposite of which is  ‘enlarge’ ) 2:245  íóÞúÈöÖõ ( Þ È Ö )


Other derivatives convey the meaning of contracting opposite to spreading 67:19,withhold 9:67, draw 25:46, take into possession 2:283 handful 20:96 and grip 39:67.

540. YABSUT ( He enlarges  )  2:245íóÈúÓõØõ ( È Ó Ø )

         Other derivatives : Spreading 30:48, stretching (hands) 5:28, wide expanse 71:19, extensive 7:69, abundance 2:247 etc.  Opposite straitening 13:26

541. AL MALA-I ( Leader )  2:246ÇóáúãóáóÇö ( ã á Ç )

         Other derivatives: Chiefs 28:38, assembly 37:8, filling 7:18 and something full 3:91.

542. TAALUUT (Name of a king ) 2:247ØóÇáõæúÊó

Name of a king

543. AL-JISM(Physique)  2:247ÇóáúÌöÓúãö ( Ì Ó ã )

Personality 63:4.

544. AT-TAABUUT (‘Ark’ i.e. a box.)  2:248ÇóáÊøóÇÈõæúÊõ ( Ê æ È )

‘Ark’ i.e. a box.

545. HAARUUN (PBH) (Name of the brother of Musa) (PBH)  2:248åóÇÑõæúäó

Name of the brother of Musa (PBH).


546. HAMALA ( He bears ) 2:248 Íóãóáó ( Í ã á )

         Other derivatives : Carrying 20:111, burden 7:189, load 12:72 being pregnant 22:2, attacking 7:176 etc.

547. AL-JUNUUD ( Armies ) 2:249ÇóáúÌõäõæúÏö ( Ì ä Ï )

Other derivatives : Army and forces 19:75, 74:31.

548. GURFAH ( Hollow ) (of the hand)  2:249ÛõÑúÝóÉð ( Û Ñ Ý )

Other derivatives : High palaces 39:20 or high places 34:37.

549. JAAWAZAHUU ( He crossed it ) 2:249ÌóÇæóÒóåõ ( Ì æ Ò )

Other derivatives : Going across 7:138, going further 18:62 and over looking 46:16.

550. FI-AH  ( Party )  2:249ÝöÁóÉð ( Ý Ç æ )

Group 8:16.

 551. GALABAT ( Overcome ) 2:249ÛóáóÈóÊú ( Û á È )

Other derivatives : Prevailing over 23:106, victorious 4:74 dense 80:30 etc.  One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is Al Galib meaning The Dominating 12:21.

552. BARAZUU ( They went out against ) 2:250ÈóÑóÒõæúÇ ( È Ñ Ò )

         Other derivatives : Going forth 3:154, appearing 14:21, making manifest 26:91 etc.

553. AFRIG ( Pour ) 2:250ÇóÝúÑöÛú ( Ý Ñ Û )

         When patience is poured out 7:126, the heart becomes void (empty) 28:10 and when there is no work one becomes free 94:7. It is probably in this sense that few derivatives are used to mean void and free.

554. JAALUUT (‘Name of the enemy king of taaluut’)  2:250ÌóÇáõæúÊó

 ‘Name of the enemy king of Taaluut’

555. SABBIT ( Make firm )  2:250ËóÈøöÊú ( Ë È Ê )

Other derivatives : Confirming 14:27, establishing 16:102, strengthening 11:120, confining 8:30 etc.


556. FAHAZAMUUHUM (So they defeated them)  2:251  ÝóåóÒóãõæúåõãú ( å Ò ã )

                   Derivatives of these alphabets convey the meaning of defeat 38:11.

557. DAF-U( He repelled )  2:251ÏóÝúÚõ ( Ï Ý Ú )

         Other derivatives : Hand over (their wealth) 4:6, drive out (the enemy) 3:167, defense 70:2 etc.

558. BAY-‘UN(Trade)  2:254ÈóíúÚñ ( È ì Ú )         

         At one place a derivative is used to mean churches 22:40.

559. KHULLAT ( Friendship ) 2:254ÎõáøóÉñ ( Î á á )

         The opposite of which is enmity 43:67 other derivatives convey the meaning of passages 27:61 and spaces in between 17:5, 24:43.

560. AL-QAYYUUM (The Eternally existing) 2:255  ÇóáúÞóíøõæúã ( Þ æ ã )

         Other derivatives :  Subsist 30:25, stay or remain 2:229, lasting or that which remains 5:37, establish 2:177, conduct 57:25, a sign and rising 18:105, upright and straight 81:27-28, 1:5 rise, take a stand 74:1-2, 4:127, stand opposite of sitting 72:19, maintain 4:34, 4:5, place 44:51 position and rank 19:73, form character 95:4-6, people established community 2:118. The opposite sense is conveyed through the words walk 2:20, travel or move 16:80, break 18:77, reaped (not existing) 11:100 crooked 18:1-2.

         Allah (SWT) as Al Qayyuum is One Who is Self Subsisting, Ever Existing, Established over everything.


561. SINAH (Slumber)  2:255ÓöäóÉñ ( æ Ó ä )


562. NAWM ( Sleep ) 2:255äóæúãñ ( ä æ ã )


563. KURSIYYUHU ( His chair’ meaning throne ) 2:255  ßõÑúÓöíøõåõ ( ß Ñ Ó )

‘His chair’ meaning throne 38:34.

564. YA-’UUDUHUU ( Tires Him ) 2:255 íóÄõÏóåõ ( Ç æ Ï )

Tires Him.

565. ALALIYY (The High) 2:255ÇóáÚóáöìøõ ( Ú á æ )

Other derivatives : Domination 23:91, transgression 23:46, exalt, opposite of which is submission, weakness 27:31, 28:4, physically high, opposite of low 11:82, 20:4, high (in ranks) 20:75, above 7:190.

One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is Al Aliyy meaning One Who dominates, is Exalted, High above every thing 31:30, 42:51 in which this Attributes is associated with Greatness and Wisdom.


566. AL GAYYI ’Error’ the opposite of which is the right way.] 2:256  ÇóáúÛóìøö ( Û æ ì )

         Other derivatives convey the sense of going astray 20:121, leading astray 37:32, misleading 53:2, removing someone from the way 7:16.

567. BILURWATI (By the handle)  2:256 ÈöÇáúÚõÑúæóÉö ( Ú Ñ æ )

Also used to mean attack (and take hold of) 11:54.

568. ANFISAAM (Break off )  2:256 ÇóäúÝöÕóÇãó ( Ý Õ ã )

569. ASH- SHAMS ( The sun )  2:258 ÇóáÔøóãúÓö ( Ô ã Ó )

         The sun was created by Allah (SWT) 21:33, it bows down to Him i.e. follows His laws 22:18, we should  not bow down before the sun 41:37.  The sun is a lamp (where in hydrogen burns like a fuel and gets converted to helium) 71:16 giving light and heat 10:5.  It appears to move in space at a calculated speed (when actually the earth rotates and revolves around it) 6:96. The sun too moves actually 13:2, 36:38.  It appears to rise in the east 2:258 and set in the west 18:86 and is used for fixing the timings of salat 17:78, 20:130, 50:39.  When seen from the earth with a naked eye, the biggest heavenly body is the sun 6:78.  It is subjected to follow the laws dictated by Allah (SWT) 7:54.  If Allah (SWT) wills he can make the day stationary 25:45.  At the end the sun and the moon will be gathered together 75:9 when the sun would be wound up 81:1 (probably all planets along with their satellites will spiral down into it).  In paradise sun will not be seen 76:13.

570. FABUHIT ( So he was confused ) 2:258 ÝóÈõåöÊó ( È å Ê )

Confounded 21:40.  Also used to mean false charge 4:112.


571. KHAAWIYAH ( Fallen down )  2:259 ÎóÇæöíøóÉñ ( Î æ ì )

Also used to mean hollow 69:7.

572. URUUSHIHAA (Its roofs) 2:259 ÚõÑõÔöåóÇ ( Ú Ñ Ô )

         Other derivatives : Erecting something 7:137, raising something high 16:68, couch 12:100 etc.  One derivative is used to mean throne of the queen of Saba 27:23.  There appears to be a Great Throne of the King of the universe i.e. Allah (SWT) 9:129 this Throne is honoured 23:116 being glorious 85:15.  Allah (SWT) has set the balance on this throne 7:54 and is established on it 20:5.  This Throne (Arsh) appears to occupy space i.e. it is located, as angels incline from all round it 39:75, it also appears to have weight because it is carried 40:7, 69:17.  Arsh was on a fluid 11:7 ‘Arsh’ is associated with directing and governing the affair (of the universe) 10:3, 13:2 alternation of day and night, compelling of the sun, moon and stars to follow the command of Allah (SWT) as His is the creation and the command (i.e. laws of nature) 7:54, knowledge of movements in the earth and the sky 57:4 etc.  ‘Arsh’ thus appears to be the central control or the Capital of the Universe totally under the control of Allah (SWT).

573. AAM (Year) 2:259 ÚóÇãò ( Ú æ ã )

574. LABISTA (You stayed)  2:259 áóÈöËúÊó ( á È Ë )

         Other derivatives: Staying 12:42, remaining 34:14, living 10:16, delaying 11:69 etc.

575. YATASANNAH ( Years have passed over it )   2:259  íóÊóÓóäøóÉõ ( Ó ä å )

It has not changed or been spoilt.

576. HEMAARIK ( Your ass ) 2:259ÍöãóÇÑößó ( Í ã Ñ )

Donkey 62:5.  Also used for red colour 35:27.

577. NUN-SHIZUHA (We set them together) 2:259äõäúÔöÒõåóÇ ( ä Ô Ò )

         Other derivatives: Rising up 58:11, and it is probably in this sense that few derivatives are used to mean confrontation 4:34, 4:128.

578. LIYATMAINNA (For the satisfaction of (my heart)) 2:260  áöíóØúãóÁöäøó ( Ø ã ä )

         Other derivatives: Peace 3:126, being peaceful 16:112, safety 4:103, settle down 17:95 etc.

579. AT-TAYR (The birds ) 2:260 ÇóáØøóíúÑõ ( Ø ì Ñ )

         Birds are defined as creatures flying with two wings 6:38, 67:19 in the space of the sky 16:79. Flesh of birds will be served in paradise 56:21. Few derivatives are used to mean evil omen 36:18 and ill luck 27:47.

580. SURHUNNA (Tame them ) 2:260 ÕõÑúåõäøó ( Õ æ Ñ )


581. JABL (Mountain or hill)  2:260ÌóÈóáò ( Ì È á )

         Other derivatives : Mountainous volumes 24:43, group 36:62, generation 26:184. Mountains have roots 78:7, 79:32, 88:19 a fact discovered recently. Sedimentary mountains are layered and are of various colours 35:27.

         When Allah (SWT) unveiled Himself to the mountain He made it crumble to pieces 7:143. If the holy Quran were sent down on a mountain it would fall down splitting asunder due to the fear of Allah (SWT) 59:21 When it will be blown into the trumpet the earth will be carried away with the mountains and crushed to pieces 69:13-14. Mountains will be shaken 73:14, uprooted disintegrated 56:5 leveled 20:105-107 as dust 77:10, moved away 18:47 like flowing sand 78:20 and pass away like clouds 27:88, loose coloured wool 101:5, 70:9   etc., at the end of the present phase of the world.

582. JUZ-A ( Part )  2:260 ÌõÒúÁðÇ ( Ì Ò Ç )

         Derivatives of these alphabets convey the meaning of portion 15:44.

583. SUMBULATIN (Ears of corn 12:43 ) 2:261  ÓõäúÈõáóÉò ( Ó ä È á )

584. MANNA ( Stressing obligation ) 2:262 ãóäøðÇ ( ã ä ä )

         Other derivatives : Bestow a favour 3:164, being gracious 52:27.

585. GHANI ( Independent ) 2:263Ûóäöìøñ ( Û ä ì )

          Other derivatives : Independent 39:7, unconcerned 80:37, being free from something 88:7, carefree 69:28, wealth or riches 59:7, safety 7:48, dwell or live 7:92, flourish 10:24 etc, the opposite of which are poverty 93:8 and being in need 35:15.

         One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is ‘Al Ganii’ meaning ‘The Independent’ 3:97 which is associated with other Attributes: Clement 2:263, Praise worthy 2:267 Possessor of mercy 6:133 and Honoured 27:40.

586. TURAAB (Soil) 2:264 ÊõÑóÇÈñ ( Ê Ñ È )

         The word ‘Turaabun’ conveys the meaning of the top soil to a depth of 4 to 5 feet which is the normal depth of graves used for burial 16:59. One derivative is used for dust 90:16 which also rises from the top soil, being its component. Adam and Isa (PBT) were created from this top soil 3:59, mankind is created from this top soil 22:5, getting the constituents of the sperm & egg and their food from it and after their death they will again become part of the soil 50:3.

         Derivatives of these alphabets are also used to mean mates of equal age in paradise 78:33 and ribs 86:7.

587. WAABIL (Heavy rain) 2:264æóÇÈöáñ ( æ È á )

Other derivatives: Evil result 59:15 and severity 73:16.

588. SALDAA ( Smooth ) 2:264ÕóáúÏðÇ ( Õ á Ï )

589. RABWAH  ( High place )   2:265ÑóÈúæóÉò ( Ñ È æ )

         High ground 23:50. The other meanings conveyed through the derivatives of these alphabets are (1)Elevation or being more in number 16:92, (2)Severity 69:10, (3)Swelling resulting in growth which is literally opposite to barrenness 22:5, 41:39, (4)bringing up by parents 17:24, (5) increase 30:39, (6)usury 2:275. Those who swallow usury compare it with trade 2:275 but Allah (SWT) contrasts it with charity 2:276 and Zakat 30:39. Usury is prohibited 2:275-280, 3:130. ‘Riba’ or usury can be defined as the excess money taken on loans for allowing the debtor time for repayment.

         Riba thus involves flow of money from the poor to the rich which amounts to their exploitation and which is contrary to the instructions given in the Quran that money should flow from the rich to the poor 59:7. In ‘sadaqa’ or Zakat (i.e. charity) a rich man gives part of his wealth to the poor seeking the pleasure of Allah (SWT) 2:265 contrary to this in ‘Riba’ (i.e. usury) a rich man takes away part of the hard earned money of the poor, earning the displeasure of Allah (SWT) to the extent that He declares a war against those involved in ‘Riba’ Usury is thus strongly prohibited and on the contrary it is ordered that if the debtor is in difficulty he should be allowed more time for the repayment of his loan and if possible the loan should be converted to charity 2:278-280. This clearly indicates that through the prohibition of usury actually the exploitation of the poor is prohibited: ‘Do not be unjust (taking money from the poor) and injustice will not be done to you’ 2:279.

590. TALL Light shower  (rain)  2:265 Øóáøñ ( Ø á á )


591. NAKHIILI ( Date palms )  2:266

Dates are classed as fruits 16:67.

592. A’-NAAB (Grapes) 2:266ÇóÚúäóÇÈò ( Ú ä È )

         Classified as fruit 16:67, will also be given in paradise 79:32.

593. I’-SAAR ( Whirlwind )  2:266ÇöÚúÕóÇÑñ ( Ú Õ Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Rain cloud 78:14, pressing wine 12:36 and time (historic) 103:1.

594. AHTARAQAT ( Burnt )  2:266 ÇóÍúÊóÑóÞóóÊú ( Í Ñ Þ )

         All derivatives convey the meaning of burning 29:24.

595. TAYAMMAMU ( Aim ) 2:267ÊóíóãøóãõæúÇ ( ì ã ã )

         One derivative of these alphabets conveys the sense of aiming, intending or seeking to clean oneself by taking clean dust in the absence of water for ablution or bath, 4:43, 5:6.

Another derivative ‘Al yamm’ means river and not sea, (Bahr:see word no 209)

         This meaning of ‘river’ can be established from the fact that the box containing baby Musa (PBH) was put in the River (Nile) and not sea, because river water flows in one direction and was capable of carrying the box in a particular direction 20:39. Contrary to this sea or ocean waters do not flow in one particular direction. It may be noted that aims or intentions are also directional.

         When Firawn and his army were pursuing Musa (PBH) and Bani Israel, Musa (PBH) was ordered to strike the ‘Bahr’ i.e. the (Red) sea with his staff and thereby miraculously cause a dry path in the sea 20:77. The sea was thus split and each part on the two sides of the dry path became like a huge mountain thus allowing Bani Israel to cross it safely 26:63-65. When Firawn and his army entered the dry path pursuing Bani Israel, they were drowned, because the water that was stationary like mountains was ordered to flow in that particular direction where Firawn and his army were present. Because the flow of water at the time of the drowning of Firawn and his army was in a particular direction it is stated that they were drowned in ‘Alyamm’ and not ‘Bahr’ in all the verses narrating this incidence 7:136, 20:78, 28:40 and 51:40. Technically water flows in one particular direction in the case of a river and not a sea. One is forced to admire the appropriate selection of words in the whole of the Quran-----Firawn and his army were drowned in flowing water.


596. KHABIIS (Bad) 2:267ÇóáúÎóÈöíúËõ ( Î È Ë )

Opposite of which is good 7:58, evil 3:179.

597. TUGMIZUU (Close your eyes disdainfully) 2:267  ÊõÛúãöÖõæúÇ ( Û ã Ö )

598. AL-FAQR ( Poverty )  2:268ÇóáúÝóÞúÑó ( Ý Þ Ñ )

         Opposite of which is rich 3:181. Poverty is associated with distress 22:28. Charity is to be given to the poor 9:60 who are in need of good things 28:24 but who cannot get or earn them because they are confined in the way of Allah (SWT) 2:273 and it is better to hide and give them charity 2:271 so that they may not feel insulted. One derivative is used to mean disaster 75:25, poverty itself being a kind of continuous disaster.

599. TUKHFUUHA ( You hide it )   2:271ÊõÎúÝõæúåóÇ ( Î Ý ì )

         Other derivatives: Something hidden 3:5 or secret 69:18 the opposite sense of which is conveyed through the words, manifest 3:29, loud 20:7, making clear 5:15, making public 60:1 etc.

600. AT TA-AFAFU( Abstaining ) 2:273 ÇóáÊøóÚóÝøóÝõ ( Ú Ý Ý )

Restrain 24:33


601. IL-HAAFAA ( Demanding persistently  )  2:273 ÇöáúÍóÇÝÇð ( á Í Ý )


602. YATAKHABBATUH (He has driven him to madness) 2:275

íóÊóÎóÈøóØõåõ ( Î È Ø )

 603. SALAF ( It has already passed ) 2:275ÓóáóÝó ( Ó á Ý )

         Already happened 4:23, done in the past 5:95, sent before 10:30, precedent 43:56.

604. AAD ( He returns )  2:275ÚóÇÏó ( Ú æ Ï ) ( å æ Ï )

         Other derivatives : Turning back 18:20, taking back (second time) 17:69, going back 58:3, repeating 8:38, reproducing 21:104, Aad was the name of the community to whom Hud (PBH) was sent as a messenger by Allah (SWT) 7:65. One derivative means feast 5:114 probably due to its periodic repetition.


605. YAMHAQU ( Wipe off )   2:276 íóãúÍóÞõ ( ã Í Þ )

606. AS-SADAQAAT ( The charity )   2:276ÇóáÕøóÏóÞóÇÊö ( Õ Ï Þ )

         These derivatives are also used to mean dowries of women which are to be given as a free gift 4:4.

         In connection with charity we are required to realize that everything in the universe including our wealth and property belongs to Allah (SWT) 2:284, 4:39. It is He Who has made some people rich and others poor 34:39 to test them 6:165. He has ordered the rich to spend their wealth on the poor i.e. wealth is to flow from the rich to the poor 59:7, just like water which flows from a higher level to a lower level or electric current which flows from a higher potential to a lower potential, which is the natural law.

         We are required to spend 2:195, 2:110 the good things we love 3:92 which are in surplus 2:219 and not to give bad things in charity which we would ourselves hesitate to accept 2:267. We are ordered to spend on parents, relatives, orphans, needy (those who beg and those who abstain from begging), wayfarer, officials administering charities those whose hearts are to be reconciled, freeing the slaves, those in debt and in the way of Allah (SWT) (during periods of war etc) 2:215, 2:273, 9:60, 51:19, 57:10, 90:12-16.

         We should spend day and night, openly for prompting others and secretly to avoid show business 2:271, 2:274, 14:31. We should neither be extravagant nor niggardly 25:67. Charity is associated with fasting and sacrifice 2:196 and its opposite is usury 2:276, 30:39 where the flow of money is reversed, i.e. the rich literally suck the money from the poor which is strictly prohibited 2:278-279.

         We are required to give charity out of love for Allah (SWT) to please Him and thereby seek His Attention and nearness 2:265, 9:99. Charity is meant for self purification and it is not meant for receiving favours in return 9:103, 74:6. After giving charity to someone we should not stress our obligation on him nor annoy him because the wealth given in charity does not belong to us 2:3. Charity should not be given with the intention of attracting the attention of others, that they may call us generous 2:264.

         We should not swear that we would not give charity to particular relatives or the poor due to some fault of theirs 24:22. The infidels spend their wealth to stop people from the way of Allah (SWT) 8:36 and not spending in the way of Allah (SWT) is one of the acts of hypocrisy and polytheism 9:75-77, 41:6-7. Those who spend in the way of Allah (SWT) will get a reward 700 times or even more than that provided they do not stress their obligation, do not annoy and do not show off 2:261-262,272 such people will go to paradise 76:8-12. Those who do not give charity will be at a loss both in this world 68:17-20 and in the hereafter and they will be branded with their wealth, heated in the fire of hell, which they had hoarded 9:34-35, 47:38.

607. BAQIYA ( Remains ) 2:278ÈóÞöìó ( È Þ ì )

         The opposite of which is pass away 16:96. Other meanings are retaining 11:116 and relics 2:248.


Íó Ñú Èò ( Í Ñ È ) 608.HARB (War) 2:279

The Word “Al Mihraab’ and its plural convey the meanings of sanctuary 3:37, fortresses or synagogues 34:13 and chamber 38:21.

609. YABKHAS ( He reduces )   2:282 íóÈúÎóÓú ( È Î Ó )

         Other derivatives : Giving less than what is due 7:85, low (price) 12:20, loss 72:13 etc.

610. TAS’AMUUU ( Be averse )  2:282ÊóÓúÁóãõæúÂ ( Ó Á ã )

Tired 41:38


611. SAGHIR ( Small ) 2:282ÕóÛöíúÑðÇ ( Õ Û Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Less 10:61, degraded associated with disgrace 27:37, subdued 9:29, humiliation 6:124 etc. The opposite sense is conveyed by the word great 54:53.

612. AQSATU ( More just ) 2:282ÇóÞóÓóØõ ( Þ Ó Ø )

         Other derivatives: Justice 4:3, one derivative is used to mean balance (weighing machine) 17:35 and another derivative is used to mean unjust the opposite of which is ‘Muslim’ 72:14.

613. RIHAAN ( A security or pledge )  2:283 ÑöåóÇäñ ( Ñ å ä )

614. ISRA ( Burden )  2:286ÇöÕúÑðÇ ( Ç Õ Ñ )

Responsibility 3:81.



615. AT TAWRAAH 3:3ÇóáÊøóæúÑóÇÉ

Divine book sent through Musa (PBH).

616. AL INJIIL ( Al Injiil )  3:3ÇóáÇöäóÌöíúáó

Divine book sent through Isa (PBH).

617. ZUNTIQAAM ( Inflecter of retribution )  3:4 ÐõæÇäúÊöÞóÇãò ( ä Þ ã )

         Other derivatives: Avenging 85:8, hatred 5:59, retribution 43:55, 15:78-79, 43:24-25. Zuntiqaam and Al Muntaqim are two Attributes of Allah (SWT) and convey the meaning of One Who inflicts retribution in the form of punishment for the evil done by human beings.

618. YUSAW-WIRUKUM ( He gives you shape or form) 3:6  íõÕóæøöæõßõãú ( Õ æ Ñ )

         Other derivatives: Form 82:8, Fashioner an Attribute of Allah (SWT) 59:24, trumpet (or the structure of the universe into which it will be blown, first to end it and then to resurrect it) 6:73.

619. ZAYGUN ( Deviation from the right )  3:7 ÒóíúÛñ ( Ò ì Û )

Turn away 38:63.

620. TAAWILIHI ( Its interpretation )  3:7ÊóÇúæöíúáöåö ( Ç æ á )

Result 4:59, fulfillment 7:53.


621. ARRAASIKHHUUN [ The sound ( in knowledge )] 3:7 ÇóáÑøóÇÓöÎõæúäó ( Ñ Ó Î )

622. WAHAB ( You grant ) 3:8æóåóÈ ( æ å È )

         Other derivatives : Granting without earning or deserving something 26:21, granting as a reward 38:30, granting when one is unfit to receive it 14:39, granting without asking 19:19, granting on asking 21:89-90.

         One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is Al Wahhab meaning One Who grants, associated with His Might 38:9.

623. KADAB ( Like )  3:11ßóÏóÇúÈö ( Ï Ç È )

         Other derivatives : Consecutive (years) 12:47 and constantly 14:33.

624. BIZUNUUBIHIM ( For their sins ) 3:11ÈöÐõäõæúÈöåöãú ( Ð ä È )

         Practically all the derivatives of these alphabets convey the meaning of sin except in one case when it means portion 51:59. Following acts are defined as ‘Zunuub’ meaning ‘sins’.

Not believing and denying the signs of Allah (SWT) 8:52 and 54, turning back from part of that which Allah (SWT) has sent down i.e. the Quran 5:49, indecency (shameful things) and injustice 3:135, tempting of Yousuf (PBH) for an evil act by the mistress of the house 12:29, kidnapping Yousuf (PBH) 12:97, killing of a man 26:14, activities of Qaruun, Firawn and Hamaan against Musa (PBH) 29:39-40, slaughtering of the she camel by Samood 91:14, criminal activities 28:78. Jinn too commit sins 46:31 sinners are inhabitants of blazing fire (i.e. hell) 67:11. Sinners can be protectively forgiven by Allah (SWT) 40:3. Those who believe in Allah (SWT) and His messenger (PBH) and strive in the way of Allah (SWT) with their wealth and persons, their sins will be protectively forgiven by Allah (SWT) and He will make them enter paradise 61:11-12. Prophet Muhammed (PBH) was protected from all sins 48:2.

625. IBRAH ( Lesson ) 3:13ÚöÈúÑóÉð ( Ú È Ñ )

Other derivatives : Interpreting 12:43 and travelling 4:43.

626. ASH-SHAHAWAAT ( Lusty feeling ) 3:14ÇóáÔøóåóæóÇÊö ( Ô å æ )

Other derivatives : Will or wish 21:102 and desire 41:31.

627. AL-QANAATIIR ( The treasures ) 3:14ÇóáúÞóäóÇØöíúÑö ( Þ ä Ø Ñ )

         Other derivatives : Heap of wealth 3:75, pitch 14:50, molten copper 18:96 and boundaries 55:33.

628. AL FIZZATI ( The silver ) 3:14ÇóáúÝöÖøóÉö ( Ý Ö Ö )

 Other derivatives : Disperse 3:159 or leave 63:7.

629. AL KHAYL ( The horses ) 3:14ÇóáÎóíúáö ( Î ì á )

         Other derivatives : Appearance (thought) 20:66 and pride associated with boasting 4:36.

630. AL-MAAB ( The home )  3:14ÇóáúãóÇÈö ( Ç æ È )

 Other derivatives : Place of return 88:25, echo 34:10 etc.


631. AL ISLAM (Al Islam )  3:19ÇóáÇöÓúáÇóãõ ( Ó á ã )

 Al Islam : Submission to the will of Allah, made known to us through the Quran 3:83, in accordance with the teachings of Prophet Muhammed (PBH) other derivatives :- acceptance 4:65, whole total 39:29, sound, perfect 2:71, defect less 37:83-84, safe 8:43, ladder for rising high 52:38, greeting invoking peace 24:27 peace 8:61 etc which are associated with belief 33:22.

         The opposite sense is conveyed through the words rejection 9:74, injustice 72:14, vain and sinful 56:25-26, crime 68:35, injustice 72:14,turning away from truth 3:64 etc.

         One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is As Salaam meaning ‘The Author of peace’ 59:23. This Attribute is associated with many other Attributes in 59:22-24.

632. GARRAHUM ( They deceive them )   3:24ÛóÑøóåõãú ( Û Ñ Ñ )

All derivatives convey the sense of deception 4:120, the Devil is called deceiver 35:5.

633. YAFTARUUN ( They have forged ) 3:24íóÝúÊóÑõæúäó ( Ý Ñ ì )

         Other derivatives: Fabrication 3:94, invention 10:37, inventing a lie 7:152, strange thing (i.e. an invented story) 19:27.

634. TANZIU ( You take away )  3:26ÊóäúÒöÚõ ( ä Ò Ú )

         Other derivatives: Drawing forth 7:108, remove 7:43, bring out 28:75 take off (away) 11:9, uproot 54:20, pull out 19:69, pull off 7:27 dispute 22:67 etc.

635. TUULIJU  ( you make to enter ) 3:27ÊõæúáöÌõ ( æ á Ì )

        Other derivatives: Entering into something the opposite of which is coming out of something 34:2, passing through 7:40 and intimate friendship 9:16 when friends enter into each others private life.


636. SUDUUR ( Bosoms ) 3:29ÕõÏõæúÑñ ( Õ Ï Ñ )

Other derivatives: Hearts 7:2, bring forth 99:6 and take away 28:23.

637. AMADA ( Distance )  3:30ÇóãóÏðÇ ( Ç ã Ï )

Other derivatives : Something being far off 72:25 and period of time 18:12.

638. NUUH (PBH) ( Noah ) 3:33äõæúÍñ

         Nuuh (PBH): name of a prophet who was sent to his people to warn them that they should worship only Allah (SWT) fearing Him and they should obey him. He tried all methods of inviting his people towards Allah (SWT) but they disobeyed him and got involved in idol worship, therefore those who disobeyed him were drowned 71:1-28. Earlier Nuuh (PBH) was asked to build a ship in accordance with the communications of Allah (SWT) 11:37. This was probably the first invention of mankind but under Divine guidance. Are all other inventions too under Divine guidance?

         When the water gushed forth Nuuh (PBH) was asked to take in his ship two of each pair, his people and the believers 11:40 after the water receded the ship rested on Mount Judi 11:44. The son of Nuuh (PBH) was not saved from drowning 11:42-46 and Nuuh’s (PBH) wife did not believe 66:10. This shows that belief and consequent deeds have nothing to do with relationship.  Nuuh (PBH) lived for 950 years 29:14.

639. NAZARTU ( I vow ) 3:35äóÐóÑúÊõ ( ä Ð Ñ )

Vow is an oath made to Allah (SWT) to perform some act.

640. WAZ-ATHAA ( She delivered her ) 3:36  æóÖúÚóÊúåóÇ ( æ Ö Ú )

       Other derivatives: Laying down something 55:10 relieving 94:2, removing 7:157, setting up something 55:7 placing something 18:49, place (i.e. position) 4:46, hurrying to and fro 9:47.


641. AR RAJIIM ( The outcast )  3:36ÇóáÑøóÌöíúãö ( Ñ Ì ã )

        Also translated as accursed 16:98 and driven away 15:17. The basic sense conveyed through derivatives of these alphabets is throwing stones at someone 11:91 due to which one is driven away. Missile 67:5 (too are shot at) and guess 18:22 (amounts to throwing ideas.)

642. KAFFALAHA ( Gave her into the guardianship ) 3:37  ßóÝøóáóåóÇ ( ß Ý á )

Other derivatives: Being incharge of someone 20:40, taking responsibility of someone 28:12, entrusting 38:23, making someone surety 16:91 etc. One derivative is used to mean double portion 57:28.

643. ZAKARIYYA (PBH) 3:37ÐóßóÑöíøóÇ

         Name of the prophet who was the guardian of Maryam (PBH) and father of prophet Yahya (PBH) who was born in old age when his wife too was barren. Yahaya’s (PBH) birth was miraculous 3:37-41.

644. SAYYIDA ( Chief ( 3:39ÓóíøöÏðÇ ( Ó æ Ï )

Leader 33:67, husband 12:25.

645. GULAAM ( Son ) 3:40ÛõáÇãñ ( Û á ã )

Derivates of these alphabets convey the meanings of young boy 12:19 and young man 18:74.

646. AAQIR ( Barren ) 3:40ÚóÇÞöÑñ ( Ú Þ Ñ )

Other derivatives: Slaughtering 91:14 and killing 7:77 (a camel)

647. RAMZA ( Gesture ) 3:41 ÑóãúÒðÇ ( Ñ ã Ò )

648. AL ASHIYYI ( ‘Evening’ or early night ) 3:41  ÇóáÚóÔöìøö ( Ú Ô ì )

Other derivatives: The period after sun set 38:31-32 and all opposites of this word refer to various stages of day time associated with sunlight 3:41, 6:52, 38:18, 30:18 and 79:46.  One derivative is used to mean turn away 43:36.

649. AL IBKAR ( The morning )  3:41ÇóáÇöÈúßóÇÑö ( È ß Ñ )

        The opposite sense is conveyed by the word evening or early part of night 19:11, 25:5. One derivative means virgins 56:36, in view of which the word under discussion would refer to very early part of morning.

650. NUUHIIHI ( We communicate it) 3:44äõæúÍöíúåö ( æ Í ì )

          The word ‘Wahi’ is translated as ‘Communication’ 53:4. Allah (SWT) directly communicates with man or speaks from behind a veil or sends messengers (angels) who communicates to human beings by His permission 42:51. The first method was probably followed with Nuuh (PBH) when he was ordered to build a ship in accordance with the communication of Allah (SWT) 11:37, the second method was adopted with Musa (PBH) when Allah (SWT) spoke to him from behind a veil 20:13 and an example of the third method is the announcement of angels to Zakariyya (PBH) regarding the birth of a son Yahya (PBH) 3:39. Through these 3 methods Allah (SWT) communicate with His messengers among human beings 4:163-166, 14:13. The Quran was communicated to prophet Muhammed (PBH) 6:19, 12:3 in Arabic language 42:7 through the Ruuh i.e. Jibriil (PBH) 42:52 and if Allah (SWT) wills He can take it back 17:86-87. Allah (SWT) communicates with angels 8:12, He communicated to the disciples of Isa (PBH) 5:111-115, and the mother of Musa (PBH) 20:38, 28:7. Allah (SWT) communicated to the bee probably through its instinct 16:68, He communicated to each sky its affair, probably following laws of nature 41:12 He will communicate to the earth probably inspiring her to tell her news on the day of resurrection 99:4-5. Allah (SWT) communicates the unseen 3:44.

         The word ‘Wahi’ has also been used for Zakariyya (PBH) when he communicated to his people (probably by signs) to glorify Allah (SWT) 19:11.  It is stated that the devils communicate to their friends to dispute with the messenger (PBH) of Allah (SWT) 6:121, probably by instigating evil.

         The word ‘Wahi’ translated as ‘communication’ also appears to refer to inspiration, signs, instinct, laws of nature, instigation etc.  At many places in the Quran, the derivatives of these alphabets (Wahi) are associated with the word ‘Fosterer’ which indicates that communicating orders to the creation is part of ‘Fostering the creation’ by the Fosterer i.e. Allah (SWT).


651. AQLAAM ( Pens )  3:44 ÇóÞúáÇóãñ ( Þ á ã )

         Pens with which we write 68:1 and through which we learn 96:4.

652. AL MASIIH (PBH) 3:45ÇóáúãóÓöíúÍõ ( ã Ó Í )

         The full name of messenger of Allah (SWT) sent to Bani Israel after Musa (PBH) was Al Masiihu Iisabnu Maryam.  Derivatives of these alphabets convey the sense of wiping something to clean it 4:43, 5:6 and passing one’s hand over something 38:33.  In view of this, does the word ‘Al Masiihu’ convey the sense of one who wipes off uncleanliness from his community when his disciples too were ‘Al Hawaa-riyyuun’ meaning ‘Those who wash clothes’ 3:52 and thus clean them?  (see word no. 318 for  more details)

653. KAHLA ( Old age )  3:46ßóåúáÇð ( ß å á )

654. ATTIIN  ( Clay ) 3:49ÇóáØøöíúäö ( Ø ì ä )

        Clays are generally composed of Magnesium, Aluminium, Iron silicates and have a very fine particle size, when mixed with water they can he moulded into various shapes, for instance bird 3:49, bricks 28:38 etc.  Some clays are porous 51:33 and these porous clays contain plant nutrients.  Man  has been created from something taken out of clay 23:12, 32:7 probably refering to plant nutrients.  Plants are eaten by both men and animals and man feeds on animals as well.  Clays when mixed with water become sticky and the nutrients get dissolved in water, man is said to have been created from such clay 37:11, the nutrients becoming the raw material for the synthesis of sperm and egg.

 655. KAHAYA ‘AT Figure like that of’ ( a bird ) 3:49ßóåóíúÁóÉö ( å ì Ã )

Shape 18:10 and 16.

656. ANFUKHU ( I blow into it )  3:49 ÇóäúÝõÎõ ( ä Ý Î )

         Other derivatives: Blowing into something 18:96 or breathing into something 32:9.

         Regarding the end and recreation of the universe it is said that when it will be blown into the trumpet or the structure of the universe, for the first time everyone will fall down senseless except those whom Allah (SWT) wills and when it will be blown into it the second time then they will stand seeing 39:68, all will be gathered 18:99, relationships will b e cut off 23:101.  All will rush forth from their graves 36:51 horrified and humbled 27:87.  With everyone there will be a driver and a witness 50:20-21.  Those whose weight of good deeds will be heavy will be successful and those whose weight of good deeds will be light will stay in hell 23:101-103.

657. AL-AKMAH ( blind by birth )  3:49 ÇóáÇóßúãóåó ( ß ã å )

658. AL-ABRASA ( Leper )  3:49 ÇóáÇóÈúÑóÕó ( È Ñ Õ )

659. TADDAKHIRUUN You store (in your houses) 3:49  ÊóÏøóÎöÑõæúäó ( Ï Î Ñ )

660. AHASSA ( He perceived )  3:52ÇóÍóÓøó ( Í Ó Ó )

         Other derivates : Feelings 21:12, inquiring 12:87, finding 19:98, slightest sound 21:102 and destruction 3:152.


661. AL-HAWAARIYYUN ( Disciples ) 3:52ÇóáúÍóæóÇÑöíøõæúäó ( Í æ Ñ )

        The literal meaning of this word is ‘those who wash clothes’, indirectly meaning ‘those who remove uncleanliness’ Derivatives of these alphabets also convey the sense of returning 84:14, conversation 18:34 and mates in paradise who will be fair 44:54.

662. MAKARUU ( They planned )  3:54ãóßóÑõæúÇ ( ã ß Ñ )

         Plot 12:31, Allah (SWT) is Fastest at planning 10:21.

663. NABTAHIL ( We will pray humbly )   3:61äóÈúÊóåöáú ( È å á )

664. DIINAAR Coin (money) 3:75 ÏöíúäóÇÑò ( Ï ä Ñ )

665. DUMTA You keep (standing) 3:75ÏõãúÊó ( Ï æ ã )

         Other derivates: Enduring 11:107, staying 5:24, remaining 5:96, everlasting 13:35, constant 70:23 etc.

666. YALWUUNA ( They twist )  3:78äóáúæõäó ( á æ ì )

         Other derivatives : Distortion 4:135, paying heed (i.e. turning and seeing) 3:153, turning 63:5.

667. AL-SINATAHUM ( Their tongues ) 3:78 ÇóáúÓöäóÊóåõãú ( á Ó ä )

         Other derivates : Language 14:4, speech 28:34, mention 26:84, renown 19:50 etc.

668. RABBAANIYYIIN ( Servants of the Fosterer )  3:79  ÑóÈøóÇäöíøöäó ( Ñ È æ )

   Derivatives of these alphabets, in addition to meaning ‘Fosterer’, also mean, devoted men 3:146, Rabbis 5:44, stepdaughter 4:23.

669. TADRUSUUN ( You study ) 3:79ÊóÏúÑõÓõæúäó ( Ï Ñ Ó )

         Other derivates : Reading 6:105 and learning 68:37.  Idriis (PBH) was a prophet sent by Allah (SWT) 19:56.

670. BAKKAH ( Kaaba at Mecca ) 3:96 ÈóßøóÉó ( È ß ß )


671. MUBAARAKA ( Blessed )  3:96ãõÈóÇÑóßÇð ( È Ñ ß )

         Water is said to be ‘Mubaarak’ 50:9.  Rain water causes one seed to grow into many grains i.e. it causes increase in food.  This indicates that the word ‘Mubaarak’ conveys the sense of ‘Increase in beneficial things’.  The derivative ‘Tabaarak’ is used with the name of Allah (SWT) 7:54 which indicates that He is the One Who actually causes an increase in beneficial things, in this sense even taking the name of Allah (SWT) causes in increase in beneficial things 55:78.  Had the people of the cities believed Allah (SWT) would have opened for them ‘Barakaat’ i.e. increase in beneficial things from the sky and the earth 7:96.  The Quran is stated to be ‘Mubaarak’ i.e. which gives increase in beneficial things 38:29, the night during which it was revealed was also ‘Mubaarak’ 44:3, Kaaba is also stated to be ‘Mubaarak’ 3:96.

672. IWAJA ( Crookedness ) 3:99ÚöæóÌðÇ ( Ú æ Ì )

 Opposite world straight 18:1-2

673. YA-TASIM ( He holds firmly ) 3:101íóÚúÊóÕöãú ( Ú Õ ã )

         Hold together 3:103, ties 60:10, abstain 12:32, protection 5:67.

674. HABL ( Rope) 3:103 ÍóÈúáñ ( Í È á )

 Means 3:112 and vein 50:16.

675. SHAFAA ( Edge ) 3:103ÔóÝóÇ ( Ô Ý ì )

Healing 17:82 and cure opposite of which is illness 26:80.

676. HUFRAH ( Pit ) 3:103ÍõÝúÑóÉò ( Í Ý Ñ )

First (original) state 79:10.

677. ANQAZAKUM ( He saved you ) 3:103ÇóäúÞóÐóßõãú ( ä Þ Ð )

Save 39:19, take back 22:73.

678. AL MUNKAR ( That which is not recognized as good ) 3:104  ÇóáúãõäúßóÑö ( ä ß Ñ )

         Unrecognizable 27:41 not to recognize 13:36 opposite of which is to recognize 16:83, strange 11:70, reject 40:81 harsh 31:19, awful 18:87 etc.

679. ADBAAR ( Backs ) 3:111ÇóÏúÈóÇÑó ( Ï È Ñ )

           Other derivatives : Behind 12:25, after 50:40, turning one’s back 8:15, turn back 70:17, turn away 79:22, root 6:45, reflect (on the Quran) 4:82, retreat 74:33, direct 10:3, govern 10:31, manage 79:5.

680. AANAA-A ( During the hours )  3:113ÇóäóÂÁó ( Ç ä ì )

            Other derivatives : (Has not the) time come 57:16, time of (cooking) 33:53, boiling 55:44, goblets (vessels) 76:15.


681. SIRR ( Intense code ) 3:117ÕöÑøñ ( Õ Ñ Ñ )

Persist 71:7, shouting 51:29.

682. YA’LUNAKUM ( Spare you ) 3:118 íóÇáõæúäóßõãú ( Ç á æ )

Swear  to be away ( from ) 2:226, bounties 7:69, 55:13

683. KABAALA ( Loss ) 3:118   ÎðÈðÇáÇð ( Î È Ê )

684. BAGZAA-U ( Hatred )  3:118ÈóÛúÖóÂÁõ ( È Û Ö )

Associated with enmity 5:14.

685. AFWAAHIHIM ( ‘Their mouths’ )   3:118 ÇóÝúæóÇåöåöãú ( Ý æ å )

686. AZZUU ( ‘Bite’ )  3:119ÚóÖøõæú ( Ú Ö Ö )

687. ANAAMIL ( Finger tips )  3:119ÇóäóÇãöáó ( ä ã á )

Ant 27:18.

688. GAYZ ( Anger ) 3:119ÛóíúÙõ ( Û ì Ö )

         Anger should be restrained 3:134. Anger is a state of mind/heart 9:15. Fury 25:12.

689. YAFRAHUU ( They are happy )  3:120íóÝúÑóÍõæúÇ ( Ý Ñ Í )

         Opposite of which is a bad feeling. Derivatives of these alphabets convey the sense of (1) rejoicing the opposite of which are despair 6:44 and grief 9:50, (2) exultant associated with boasting 11:10, the opposite of which is ungratefulness 42:48. Those who are slain in the way of Allah (SWT) are rejoicing 3:169-170 Allah (SWT) does not like those who are exultant 28:76.

690. KAYDUHUM ( Their plot )  3:120ßóíúÏõåõãú ( ß ì Ï )

Plan 20:64.


691. GADAWTA  ( You went out in the morning )   3:121  ÛóÏóæúÊó ( Û Ï æ )

         Other derivatives: Morning 7:205, morning meal 18:62, tomorrow 12:12, future 59:18 etc.

692. TUBAW-WIU ( You assign )  3:121ÊõÈóæøöÆõ ( È æ Ç )

         Derivatives of these alphabets also convey the sense of bearing (something) 5:29, dwelling 12:56 settling 16:41, settling down 10:93 etc.

693. HAMMAT They were on the point of (showing cowardice) 3:122  åóãøóÊú ( å ã ã )

         Plan 5:11, long for (something) 12:24, design (a plan) 4:113, anxious 3:154. 

694. TAFSHALAA ( They showed cowardice ) 3:122ÊóÝúÔóáÇó ( Ý Ô á )

Weak hearted 3:152

695. FAL-YATA-WAKKAL Then let them put their trust (in Allah) 3:122

ÝóáúíóÊóæóßøóáö ( æ ß á )

          Other derivatives : Entrusted with or put in charge of 32:11, to trust someone 9:129. Derivatives are associated with belief 5:23 and Islam 10:84. Opposite sense is conveyed by the word infidelity 6:89.

         One of the Attributes of Allah (SWT) is Al Wakiil meaning the Trustee 6:102. Allah (SWT) loves those who put their trust in Him 3:159 and whoever puts his trust in Him, then He is sufficient for him 65:3.

         It is reported by Anas (R.A) that our Prophet (PBH) had said “Trust in Allah but tie your camel” (Tirmezi). This indicates that we should put our full efforts and then leave the result to Allah (SWT) also hinted in 6:102 where the order to serve Allah (SWT) precedes the statement that He is the Trustee over everything.


696. BADR 3:123ÈöÏúÑò ( È Ï Ñ )

‘A place 150km from Madina where the polytheists of Mecca were defeated by the Muslims on the 17th of Ramazan in the year 2H. Another derivative conveys the meaning of haste 4:6.

697. FAWRIHIM ( They rush suddenly )  3:125 ÝóæúÑöåöãú ( Ý æ Ñ )

Blazing (of fire) 67:7 gushing forth (of water) 11:40.

698. TARAFA ( Portion )  3:127ØóÑóÝðÇ ( Ø Ñ Ý )

         Two ends (of the day) 11:114, borders 13:41 corners  (of eyes) 42:45, blinking of eyes 14:43, gazing (with eyes) 37:48.

699. YAKBITAHUM ( ‘He disgraces them’ ) 3:127  íóßúÈöÊóåõãú ( ß È Ê )

700. KHAAA-IBIIN ( Failures ) 3:127ÎóÂÁöÈöíúäó ( Î ì È )

         Defeat opposite of victory 14:15, another opposite is success 91:9-10.

701. AL KAAZIMIIN ‘Restrainers (of anger) 3:134ÇóáúßóÇÙöãöíúäó ( ß Ù ã )

(Choking of heart) 40:18 suppression 12:84, grief 68:48.

702. SUNAN ( Ways of life ) 3:137Óõäóäñ ( Ó ä ä )

Procedure 33:62, processed mud 15:26, tooth 5:45.

703. TAHINUU ( Be weak )  3:139ÊóåöäõæúÇ ( æ å ä )

All derivatives convey the meaning of weakness 19:4.

704. QARH ( ‘Wound’ )  3:140ÞóÑúÍñ ( Þ Ñ Í )

705. NUDAAWILUHA ( We keep on changing them by turn) 3:140  äõÏóÇæöáõåóÇ ( Ï æ á )

An item of circulation 59:7 (i.e. wealth).


706. LIYUMAH-HISA ( That He may purify ) 3:141  áöíõãóÍøöÕó ( ã Í Õ )

 Purify 3:154.

707. ASTAKAANUU ( They were humbled )  3:146ÇóÓúÊóßóÇäõæúÇ ( ß ì ä )

 Submit 23:76.

708. ISRAAFANA ( Our excesses )  3:147ÇöÓúÑóÇÝóäóÇ ( Ó Ñ Ý )

         Exceeding the limits 20:127, associated with lie 40:28 and doubt 40:34. Extravagant 6:141 the opposite of which is niggardliness 25:67.

709. ARRU’AB ‘Terror’ (in the hearts) 3:151 ÇóáÑøõÚúÈõ ( Ñ Ú È )

710. MAWAAHUM ( Their setting place ) 3:151 ãóÂæóÇåõã ( Ç æ ì )

           Home 79:39, shelter 93:6 refuge 18:10, betake 11:43, stay 18:63, invite 33:51.

711. MASWA ( Home )  3:151ãóËúæóì ( Ë æ ì )

 Dwell 28:45.

712. TUS-IDUUN You were climbing up (the hill) 3:153  ÊõÕúÚöÏõæúäó ( Õ Ú Ï ) 

        Ascend 35:10. Severe (punishment) 72:17. Dust 4:43. Ground 18:8.

713. NUAASA ( Slumber ) 3:154äõÚóÇÓðÇ ( ä Ú Ó )

 Drowsiness 8:11.

714. MAZAAJI-IHIM ( Places of their death ) 3:154  ãóÖóÇÌöÚöåöãú ( Ö Ì Ú )

 Sleeping places 4:34, beds 32:16.

715. GUZZA ) Fighting ) 3:156ÛõÒøðì ( Û Ò æ )


716. LINTA Soft’ ( hearted )  3:159 áöäúÊó ( á ì ä )

         Opposite of which is stern, hard hearted 3:159. Softening (of hearts) 39:23, softening (of iron) 34:10. Gentle 20:44. Date palm 59:5.

717. FAZZA ( ‘Stern’ ) 3:159ÝóÙøÇð ( Ý Ù Ù )

718. GALIIZ Hard (hearted) 3:159ÛóáöíúÙó ( Û á Ù )

Firm 9:73, stern 66:9, strong 4:21, harsh 14:17, thick 48:29 etc.

719. YAGULLA ( He cheats ) 3:161íóÛõáøó ( Û á á )

 Ill-feelings 7:43, chains 13:5, yokes 76:4. Hands tied up to the neck (niggardliness) the opposite of which is stretching them to their full extent (extravagance) 17:29.

720. SAKHAT ( Displeasure ) 3:162ÓóÎóØò ( Ó Î Ø )

Opposite pleased 9:58.

721. JAHANNAM  ( Hell )  3:162 (2:206)Ìóåóäøóãõ ( Ì å ä ã )

         There will be fire in hell 9:35, there the inhabitants will neither live nor die 20:74. Among the inmates of the hell will be those who kill Momins intentionally 4:93, those who disobey Allah (SWT) and His messenger (PBH) 72:23, the infidels, hypocrites 4:140, polytheists 98:6 etc.

722. YALHAQUU ( They join ) 3:170íóáúÍóÞõæúÇ ( á Í Þ )

Join 26:83, unite 52:21.

723. HAZZA ( Portion )  3:176ÍóÙøÇð ( Í Ù Ù )

 Share 4:177, part 5:13, Good fortune 28:79.

724. NUMLII ( We grant time ) 3:178äõãúáöìú ( ã á ì )

    Give time for amendment 22:44, long time 19:46. Dictation 25:5, Hope 47:25 etc.

725. YAMIIZ ( He separates ) 3:179íóãöíúÒó ( ã ì Ò )

Burst 67:8.


726. YUTLI-AKUM  ( He will disclose to you ) 3:179íõØúáöÚóßõãú ( Ø á Ú )

Disclose 19:78, Discover 5:13. Look 18:18, peep 37:54. Appearance 97:5, Rise 18:17, Reach 28:38. Rising (of the sun) the opposite of which is its setting 50:39.  Produce 50:10 spates 26:148, sheaths 6:99.

727. YAJTABII ( He chooses ) 3:179íóÌúÊóÈöìú ( Ì È æ )

          Brought (and stored) 28:57. Reservoir 34:13.

728. YABKHALUUN They hoard up ( Miserly ) 3:180íóÈúÎóáõæúäó ( È Î á )

         Niggardly 92:8. Hoard 9:76. The opposite sense is conveyed by the word spend 47:38. He who hoards is niggardly only against his own soul 47:38.

729. ZUUQUU Taste (the punishment)  3:181ÐõæúÞõæúÇ ( Ð æ Þ )

          Other derivatives : Tasting or experiencing something, they have been used with the following items. Tasting (from a tree) 7:22, coolness and drink 78:24, boiling water and pus 38:57. Experiencing (evil result) 65:9, hunger and fear 16:112, mercy 30:33 disgrace 39:26, happiness 11:10, death 3:185.

730. FAAZ He has achieved (success) 3:185ÝóÇÒó ( Ý æ Ò )

          Other derivatives : Safety 3:188 and achievement 4:73. Those who achieve the greatest achievement or success are the ones who obey Allah (SWT) and His messenger (PBH) 33:71, fearing and being careful of Him 24:52, those with whom Allah (SWT) is pleased and they are pleased with Him 5:119, those who are saved from the consequences of their evil deeds 40:9 and are removed far away from the fire (of hell) 3:185 and finally those who are made to enter paradise for staying therein for ever 4:13.

731. JUNUUBIHIM ( on their sides ) 3:191ÌõäõæúÈöåöãú ( Ì ä È )

(Right hand) side 19:52 strange 4:36. Distant 28:11, save 14:35. Avoid 5:90 turn away 87:11, keep away 39:17. One who has not taken a bath after sexual intercourse 4:43.

732. RAA-BITU Exhibit strength (by being tied to each other) 3:200

ÑóÇÈöØõæúÇ ( Ñ È Ø )

Other derivatives : Strengthening 18:14 companies (of horses) 8:60.



733. HUUBA ( ‘Sin’ ) 4:2 ÍõæúÈðÇ ( Í æ È )

734. TA-UULUU ( You do injustice ) 4:3 ÊóÚõæúáõæúÇ ( Ú æ á )

735. NIHLAH ( Free gift ) 4:4 äöÍúáóÉñ ( ä Í á )

 Honey Bee 16:68.

736. HANIIIA ( Enjoying ) 4:4åóäöíúÁðÇ ( å ä Ç )

Pleasantly 52:19.

737. MARIIIA ( ‘Palatably deliciously’ )  4:4ãóÑöÄúÇÁð ( ã Ñ Ç )

738. AL QISMAH ( Division ) 4:8ÇóáúÞöÓúãóÉó ( Þ Ó ã )

 Distribution 43:32 share 54:28, Assignment 15:44. Swear 7:21. Oath 56:76.

739. SADIIDAA ‘Right (words)’ 4:9ÓóÏöíúÏðÇ ( Ó Ï Ï )

         Other derivatives: (Statements) to the point 33:70. Mountain 18:93 Barrier 18:94, 36:9.

740. SAYAS LUUNA They will enter (blazing fire) 4:10  ÓóíóÕúáõæúäó ( Õ á ì )

Warm 28:29.


741. SA’IIRA ( Blazing Fire ) 4:10ÓóÚöíúÑÇð ( Ó Ú Ñ )

         Other derivatives : (Punishment of) blazing fire 31:21, kindle 81:12 associated with hell 4:55. Madness 54:24.

742. TADRUUN ( You know ) 4:11ÊóÏúÑõæúäó ( Ï Ñ ì )

      Other derivatives: Know 69:26, realize 69:3, understand 10:16.

743. AASHIRUUHUNNA ( Live with them ) 4:19ÚóÇÔöÑõåõäøó ( Ú Ô Ñ )

    Friend 22:13, relatives 58:22, family 26:214 (i.e. closely related people), assembly 6:128. Ten 6:160, one tenth 34:45, a she camel with 10 months pregnancy 81:4.

744. AFZAA ( Sexual intercourse ) 4:21 ÇóÝúÖóÇì ( Ý Ö æ )

745. MAQTA ( ‘Hateful’ ) 4:22ãóÞúÊÇð ( ã Þ Ê )

746. AMMAATUKUM ( Your Father’s sisters )  4:23  ÚóãøóÇÊõßõãú ( Ú ã ã )

747. KHAALAATUKUM ( Your mother’s sisters ) 4:23  ÎóÇáÇÊõßõãú ( Î æ á )

 Grant or bestow 6:94, 39:8.

748. ASLAABIKUM ( Your own loins ) 4:23ÇóÕúáÇÈößõãú ( Õ á È )

         Loins associated with ribs 86:7. Crucifixion associated with murder 4:157.

749. ALMUHSANAAT ‘Married (women)’ 4:24ÇóáúãõÍúÕóäóÇÊõ ( Í Õ ä )

         (Women)’ taken in wedlock 4:25, chastity the opposite of which in formication 4:24. Guard (chastity) 21:91. Free women the opposite of which is maids 4:25, protect 21:80 preserve 12:48. Fortress 59:2 built for protection.

750. MUSAAFIHIIN ( Fornicators ) 4:24ãõÓóÇÝöÍöíúäó ( Ó Ý Í )

(Those who have unlawful sexual intercourse). Flowing (blood) 6:145.


751. TAWLA ( Able to afford ) 4:25ØóæúáÇð ( Ø æ á )  


           Rich 9:86, Bountiful 40:3. Long (time) 20:86, last (long) 21:44, (time) passed 57:16, prolonged (occupation) 73:7, height 17:37.

752. FATAYAATIKUM ( Your maids ) 4:25ÝóÊóíóÇÊößõãú ( Ý Ê ì )

      Slave girls 24:33, slave 12:30 servant 18:60, young men 12:36. Ask 18:22, Inquire 12:41, explain 12:46, advise 27:32 legal decision 4:177.

753. AKHDAAN ( ‘Lovers’ ) 4:25ÇóÎúÏóÇäñ ( Î Ï ä )

754. TAMIILUU ( You go astray ) 4:27ÊóãöíúáõæúÇ ( ã ì á )

Attack 4:102. Disincline 4:129.

755. YUWAFFIQ ( He will effect reconciliation ) 4:35íõæóÝøöÞö ( æ Ý Þ )

        Conciliation 4:62. Proportional 78:26.

756. AL JAAR ( Neighbour ) 4:36ÇóáúÌóÇÑö ( Ì æ Ñ )

        Protect 46:31 Turn aside 16:9.

757. FAKHUURAA ( Boastful ) 4:36ÝóÎõæúÑÇð ( Ý Î Ñ )

Pottery 55:14 which is hollow from inside like a boastful man.

758. AA’-TADNA ( We have prepared ) 4:37ÇóÚúÊóÏúäóÇ ( Ú Ê Ï )

Ready 50:18.

759. QARIINA ( Comrade ) 4:38ÞóÑöíúäðÇ ( Þ Ñ ä )

      Companion 43:53, linked together 14:49 capability 43:13. Generation 6:6. Zil Qarnayin 18:83 (Name of a king). Qaaruun 28:76. (one of the chiefs of Firawn).

760. SUKAARAA ( ‘Intoxicated’ ) 4:43 ÓõßóÇÑóÇì ( Ó ß Ñ )


761. TAGTASILUU ( You have bathed ) 4:43ÊóÛúÊóÓöáõæúÇ ( Û Ó á )

Wash 5:6. Washing of wounds 69:36.

762. AL-GAAAIT ( ‘Toilet’ ) 4:43ÇóáúÛóÇÁöØö ( Û æ Ø )

763. TA-‘NA ( ‘Taunt’ ) 4:46 ØóÚúäÇð ( Ø Ú ä )

764. NATMISA ( We destroy ) 4:47äóØúãöÓó ( Ø ã Ó )

Disappear 77:8 wipe off (eyes) 36:66 (make eyes) blind 54:37.

765. FATIILA ( ‘The hair on a date stone’ ) 4:49 ÝóÊöíúáÇð ( Ý Ê á )

766. AL-JIBT ( ‘Idols’ ) 4:51 ÇóáúÌöÈúÊö ( Ì È Ê )

767. NAQIIRA ( A speck on the date stone ) 4:53äóÞöíúÑÇð ( ä Þ Ñ )

Sounding of trumpet 74:8.

768. NAZIJAT ( ‘They are thoroughly burnt ) 4:56  äóÖöÌóÊú ( ä Ö Ì )

 769. JULUUDUHUM (Skins ) 4:56ÌõáõæúÏõåõãú ( Ì á Ï )

Flog with stripes 24:2.

770. YAZ-‘UMUUN ( They claim ) 4:60 íóÒúÚõãõæäó ( Ò Ú ã )

Thought 18:48. Assertion 6:136. Responsibility 12:72.


771. YAHLIFUUN ( ‘They will swear’ ) 4:62íóÍúáöÝõæúäó ( Í á Ý )

772. HARAJA ( Objection ) 4:65 ÍóÑóÌðÇ ( Í Ñ Ì )

 Difficulty 5:6 Blame 9:91. Narrow 6:125.

773. RAFIIQA ( Company ) 4:69ÑóÝöíúÞÇð ( Ñ Ý Þ )

        Easy course 18:16. Resting place 18:29. Elbows 5:6.

774. INFIRUU ( You go forth ) 4:71ÇöäúÝöÑõæúÇ ( ä Ý Ñ )

        Go out 9:122. Party 18:34. Hatred 17:41 Frightened 74:50.

775. SUBAAT ( Detatchments ) 4:71 ËõÈóÇÊò ( Ë È ì )

776. LA-YUBATTI-ANNA ( ‘Definitely stay behind’ ) 4:72  áóíõÈóØøöÁóäøó ( È Ø Ç )

777. YUDRIK-KUM ( It will catch you ) 4:78íõÏúÑößúßõãõ ( Ï Ñ ß )

  Caught 26:61. Grasp 10:90, overtaken 20:77 comprehend 6:103, Depth 4:145. Reach 27:66 Follow each other 7:38.

778. BURUUJ ( Towers ) 4:78 ÈõÑõæúÌò ( È Ñ Ì )

   Expose 33:33. Galaxies the exterior of which is exposed as an adornment 15:16.

779. MUSHAYYADAH ( ‘Raised High’ ) 4:78 ãõÔóíøóÏóÉò ( Ô ì Ï )

780. YAFQAHUUN ( ‘They understand’ ) 4:78íóÝúÞóåõæúäó ( Ý Þ å )


781. AZAA-‘UU ( ‘They spread’ ) 4:83ÇóÐóÇÚõæúÇ ( Ð ì Ú )

782. YASTANBITUUNAHU ( They could investigate it ) 4:83

 íóÓúÊóäúÈöØõæúäóå ( ä È Ø )

783. HARRIZ ( You rouse the believers ) 4:84ÍóÑøöÖö ( Í Ñ Ö )

 Ruining of health 12:85.

784. MUQIITA ( Controller ) 4:85ãõÞöíúÊðÇ ( Þ æ Ê )

Food 41:10.


785. TAHIYYAH ( Greetings )4:86 ÊóÍöíøóÉò ( Í ì ì )

786. ARKASAHUM He has returned them (to hypocrisy) 4:88  ÇóÑúßóÓóåõãú ( Ñ ß Ó )

 Fall back 4:91.

787. LASALLATAHUM ( ‘He would have given them authority’ )  4:90

 áóÓóáøóØóåõãú ( Ó á Ø )

788. DIYYAH ( Blood money ) 4:92ÏöíøóÉñ ( æ Ï ì )

(As compensation for murder). Valley 14:37.

789. MUTA-AMMIDA ( Intentionally ) 4:93ãóÊóÚóãøöÏðÇ ( Ú ã Ï )

        Support 13:2.  Column 104:9. Pillars 89:7.

790. MAGAANIM ( Gain ) 4:94ãóÛóÇäöãõ ( Û ä ã )

        Spoils of war (or booty of war) 8:41. Sheep 6:146.


791. MURAAGAMA ( ‘Places of refuge’ ) 4:100 ãõÑóÇÛóãðÇ ( Ñ Û ã )

792. WAQA-‘A ( It has become incumbent ) 4:100æóÞóÚó ( æ Þ Ú )

Establish 7:118. Fall 7:71, befall 7:134, take place 51:6. Bring into effect 52:7, cause 5:91, event 56:1, places of existence 56:75.

793. TAQSURUU ( You shorten ) 4:101ÊóÞúÕõÑõæúÇ ( Þ Õ Ñ )

Reduce 48:27, cease 7:202. Females who restrain their gaze 37:48. Confined 55:72. Palaces 7:74 (guarded by high walls).

794. ASLIHATAHUM ( Their weapons ) 4:102 ÇóÓúáöÍóÊóåõãú ( Ó á Í )

 795. MATAR ( Rain ) 4:102ãóØóÑò ( ã Ø Ñ )

Rain of porous stones of baked clay 11:82.


796.YARMI ‘He throws (the blame)’ 4:112íóÑúãö ( Ñ ã ì )

Throw (sand) 8:17 pelting (of stones) 105:4. Accuse 24:4.

797.MARIIDA ( A rebel ) 4:117 ãóÑöíúÏðÇ ( ã Ñ Ï )

 Persist 9:101. Made smooth 27:44.

798. FALA-YUBATTIKUNNA [ So they will definitely slit (the ears)] 4:119

ÝóáóíõÈóÊøößõäøó ( È Ê ß )

799. MAHIISA ( Escape ) 4:121ãóÍöíúÕðÇ ( Í ì Õ )

Refuge 50:36.

800.ASH-SHUHH ( ‘Selfishness’ ) 4:128 ÇóáÔøõÍøõ ( Ô Í Í )
